To play a brass instrument you have to purse your lips into the mouthpiece to make a kind of buzzing sound. A brass instrument has valves which are the keys you press to make a different sound when you blow inside it. The only brass instrument you play without valves is a trombone. To play a trombone you have to slide the slide to make high or low sounds.
A string instrument is any instrument that has strings including the piano. They are played by being either bowed, plucked or strucked. To bow a string instrument you need to use a bow. a piano has strings inside of it which are struck by a tiny hammer every time you hit a note. To pluck a string instrument you have to flick it with either your thumb, finger or a little piece of plastic. The highest sounding string instrument is the violin then the Viola then the cello then the double bass.
Woodwind instruments are not all made out of wood, but require wind to make noise. They are basically tubes with holes along it. Flutes Saxaphones and clarinets are all woodwind. To make music air is blown into the instrument through the mouthpiece. These types of instrument would not work without this. Flutes and recorders are are the type of instruments air is blown from the edge of the mouth piece.
Percussion instruments are designed to make unique noises when it is hit with stick or hands. Percussion instruments are often in charge of this drums support the musical piece. Membranophones are drum stretched membranes or drum heads covering a hollow shell. Idiophones are drums without membranes they are made to vibrate. A mallet is the stick used to hit the mebranes to vibrate and make noise.