Final Exam ECE562/468 Advanced Computer Architecture Prof. Honggang Wang ECE Department University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 285 Old Westport Rd. North.


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Presentation transcript:

Final Exam ECE562/468 Advanced Computer Architecture Prof. Honggang Wang ECE Department University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 285 Old Westport Rd. North Dartmouth, MA Slides based on the PowerPoint Presentations created by David Patterson as part of the Instructor Resources for the textbook by Hennessy & Patterson Updated by Honggang Wang.

Dr. Wang Final Exam Time: Tuesday, May 13, 8:00 ~ 11:00am Place: Group II – 212 ECE 562 Group II 214 (Department Lab) ECE 468 Requirements: –Arrive on time! –Random seat will be assigned. –Open-book open-notes in-class exam –No sharing notes during the exam –Individual work –No computers and mobile devices –Can user any paper-based materials

Dr. Wang Prepare for Final Review lecture notes #Ch 1-4,#Ch 6 Focus on #Ch3-4, 6 (65%) Review all the Exam#2 sample questions (No Solutions) and hands-on problems discussed in the class Review your homework Ask questions if there are

Dr. Wang Questions? Dr. Wang (Instructor) – –Office: II-214A or II-209B, temporary office) Mr. Venkateswaran Shekar –TA office Hours: Tue-Thu 2 pm to 3 pm »TA: Venkateswaran Shekar » »Office location: DION 309

5 Instructions Print TA last name SHEKAR in the STUDENT NAME box. There is NO need to fill in the corresponding ovals. Print course and section number (for ECE468) or (for ECE562 ) in the first 5 positions of the STUDENT ID NUMBER box. There is NO need to fill in the corresponding ovals. Queries on the Questionnaire are matched to the numbers on the Answer Sheet. E: Strongly Agree; D: Agree; C: Neutral; B: Disagree; A: Strongly Disagree