Welcome to Regents Earth Science Ms Heffler
Earth Science is the Study of The Earth’s Systems WHY? Study Earth Science
1)For a well rounded education 2)Because it is our Home 3)Practical applications 4)Skills 5)Broad scientific background 6)Employment
Emerging businesses in: o Renewable Energy o Climate Change o Environmental Engineer o Water Resources o Agricultural o City Planners o Explorer o Writer
How To Succeed Show up on Time Be Ready When the Bell Rings Have all of Your Supplies Do your HW Hand in Completed Labs Be Respectful! Practice… Practice… Practice….
Your final grade: is the sum of all four- quarters and your Regents grade divided by five. Student Evaluation: Students will be evaluated by their performance on quizzes, tests, lab reports, homework and class participation.
Additional Help! Yes, I do stay after at the current time I am staying after on Wednesdays. Lab Make-ups Test Make-ups when absent Assistance on a Lab or HW
Thank You For Attending and Please Stay in Touch HW Posted on John Jay Teachers Web site E Mail Phone- (845) ext 30036