OPENING ACTIVITY On a sheet of paper, solve the following problems: 1. 6 ÷ 3 2. 6 ÷ 1/3 Be sure to put the proper heading in the upper right hand corner. Hold onto this paper for today’s closing activity.
DIVIDING FRACTIONS & MIXED NUMBERS LG 605: Students will be able to apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions. LG 601: Students will be able to apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions.
5 ÷ 5 ÷ = LET’S REVIEW… 2 3 = KEEP – CHANGE - FLIP Flip Keep Change 3 When dividing a fraction, remember KCF. 2 3 5 ÷ Flip 3 2 Keep 5 Change x 15 2 = 5 ÷ = 2 15 3 2
DIVIDING BY MIXED NUMBERS What is a mixed number? Can you leave a mixed number as a mixed number in a division problem?
CONVERTING MIXED NUMBERS TO IMPROPER FRACTIONS To change a mixed number to an improper fraction, think MAD Multiply…Add…Denominator
CONVERTING MIXED NUMBERS TO IMPROPER FRACTIONS 3¼ = 4 x 3 +1 Denominator stays the same Multiply the denominator x the whole number Add the numerator 3¼ = 13/4
CONVERTING IMPROPER FRACTIONS TO MIXED NUMBERS How do you change an improper fraction into a mixed number? Go around the world with division. 11 8 Divide numerator by denominator. Top dog goes in the house. 1 8 11 -8 3 Whole number 1 3 8 Denominator Numerator
DIVIDING FRACTIONS BY MIXED NUMBERS To solve a division problem with a mixed number: Convert all mixed numbers to improper fractions. Keep the first fraction the same. Change the division sign to multiplication. Flip the second fraction to be the reciprocal. Multiply numerator x numerator and denominator x denominator. Simplify if possible.
STUDY GUIDE The remainder of class time will be used to start filling out your study guide for next week’s test. Use your notes or your book to fill in the blanks on the study guide. Turn this in to your class basket at the end of class. We will finish them in the next class.
CLOSING ACTIVITY Look back at the problems from the opening activity and use your answers to answer the following question in complete thought sentences. Compare the operations for “dividing by 3” and “dividing by 1/3”. How are they alike and how are they different? Explain. When everyone at your table is done, the person in seat 4 will turn in the team’s papers into the class turn-in basket. This will be for a class work grade!
HOMEWORK Page 94, #1-4