Scopes “Monkey” Trial Clash over Evolution
Creationism- adheres to the literal interpretation of the Bible. 6,000 years ago God willed the world to exist. This took one week. Humans were created out of nothing, made in the image of Adam and Eve. Creationism- adheres to the literal interpretation of the Bible. 6,000 years ago God willed the world to exist. This took one week. Humans were created out of nothing, made in the image of Adam and Eve. Evolution- theory that 3.5 billion years ago, single-celled organisms developed from the molecules in the Earth’s sea. These organisms slowly evolved and changed to adapt to the changing environment. In support of evidence: found fossils that date back to one million years. Evolution- theory that 3.5 billion years ago, single-celled organisms developed from the molecules in the Earth’s sea. These organisms slowly evolved and changed to adapt to the changing environment. In support of evidence: found fossils that date back to one million years.
The defenders of traditional religion looked to the Bible for support in the struggle against this new wild atmosphere of the Twenties. The defenders of traditional religion looked to the Bible for support in the struggle against this new wild atmosphere of the Twenties.
In 1925, the Tennessee Legislature passed a law making it illegal for a public schools “to teach any theory that denies the story of Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible.” In 1925, the Tennessee Legislature passed a law making it illegal for a public schools “to teach any theory that denies the story of Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible.”
Theory of Evolution British naturalist Charles Darwin theorized that all plants and animals, including humans, had evolved from simpler forms of life. British naturalist Charles Darwin theorized that all plants and animals, including humans, had evolved from simpler forms of life.
Tennessee became the first state to ban the teaching of evolution in public schools. Tennessee became the first state to ban the teaching of evolution in public schools. A young science teacher, John Scopes believed that he cannot teach biology without teaching evolution. A young science teacher, John Scopes believed that he cannot teach biology without teaching evolution. Scopes is arrested for teaching the theory of evolution. Scopes is arrested for teaching the theory of evolution.
The Scopes trial began on July 10, 1925, bringing far more attention than both sides had expected. The Scopes trial began on July 10, 1925, bringing far more attention than both sides had expected. Some 200 national reporters arrived in Dayton, Tennessee. Some 200 national reporters arrived in Dayton, Tennessee. Tourists and vendors (selling toy monkeys) descend on Dayton’s “circus” atmosphere. Tourists and vendors (selling toy monkeys) descend on Dayton’s “circus” atmosphere. National Reporters follow the story closely. The nation is engrossed by the story.
Bryan vs. Darrow William Jennings Bryan agrees to represent the State of Tennessee with its prosecution of John Scopes. William Jennings Bryan agrees to represent the State of Tennessee with its prosecution of John Scopes. High-powered lawyer Clarence Darrow offers to defend Scopes free of charge. High-powered lawyer Clarence Darrow offers to defend Scopes free of charge. Darrow & Bryan taking a break during the trial.
When the trial ended, it took the jury fewer than 10 minutes to find Scopes guilty. When the trial ended, it took the jury fewer than 10 minutes to find Scopes guilty. The judge fined John Scopes only $100 for breaking the Tennessee law. The judge fined John Scopes only $100 for breaking the Tennessee law. The Scopes trial did not end the debate over teaching evolution in public schools. The Scopes trial did not end the debate over teaching evolution in public schools.
Victory in Defeat Although, John Scopes had been found guilty by the judge, it was believed to be a huge victory for science. Although, John Scopes had been found guilty by the judge, it was believed to be a huge victory for science. Scopes “Monkey” Trial Courtroom