Connector Consider the question ‘What is a luxury?’ whilst you watch the List as many luxuries that you have in your lives that you can. LO – to consider the difference between wants, needs and rights. Consider the following: Are toilets a luxury? Why/why not? Does the concept of luxury change depending on where you live in the world?
What is the difference between needs and wants? Catergorize the word salad into ‘wants’ and ‘needs’. Now agree on the top five needs and give a reason for your choice Then, consider which ones are so important that they are no longer a need; but a right. Explain your answer
Needs and rights Read: There is a set of rights laid down by the United Nations to which every human in the world is entitled. This is called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. All countries who are members of the United Nations make sure that everyone is able to enjoy these rights, both in their own country and elsewhere. There is a separate declaration that serve specifically the interests of children.
Needs and rights The following slide contains the ten principles on which the Declaration of the Rights of the Child are based. Read through them and compare them to your list of top five needs. Are your top five in the UDHR? What would you add to/delete from the UDHR and why? Cross out those that you would delete and write in your own
Declaration of the Rights of the Child The Declaration of the Rights of the Child lays down ten principles 1. The right to equality, without distinction on account of race, religion or national origin. 2. The right to special protection for the child’s physical, mental and social development. 3. The right to a name and a nationality. 4. The right to adequate nutrition, housing and medical services. 5. The right to special education and treatment when a child is physically or mentally handicapped. 6. The right to understanding and love by parents and society. 7. The right to recreational activities and free education. 8. The right to be among the first to receive relief in all circumstances. 9. The right to protection against all forms of neglect, cruelty and exploitation. 10. The right to be brought up in a spirit of understanding, tolerance, friendship among peoples, and universal brotherhood. Reflection: do you feel that you have these rights in the UK? Do you think that they exist in all parts of the world? Write down your answers and explain them.
Task Write your own set of Children’s Rights for students in your school. However, with each right, comes a responsibility (having duty to deal with something, i.e. it is a student’s responsibility to do their homework on time) e.g. Right = to have high quality food provided at school, Responsibility = to make sure that all cutlery used is put away for cleaning rather than being left on the table Remember to cover: food, hygiene, education, resources, teaching, behaviour, safety, entertainment, enrichment, opportunities and more!
Review Write down five new facts that you learnt today Which one is the most important to the learning objective? Justify your answer