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How many squares on a chessboard? Clue 1 1 x 1 = 64 2 x 2 = 49 3 x 3 = 36 4 x 4 = 25 5 x 5 = 16 6 x 6 = 9 7 x 7 = 4 8 x 8 = = There isn’t a clue 2.
You may be familiar with the formula that adds up successive whole numbers. There is also a formula for adding successive square numbers. Research a formula that adds up successive cube numbers. Check that it works for the chessboard problem. How is it Derived?. How is it Derived?.
A Knights Tour
1 A Knights Tour of a 6 x 6 Chessboard
1 A Knights Tour of a 6 x 6 Chessboard
1 A Knights Tour of a 6 x 6 Chessboard
260 What’s the magic number ? A Knights Tour of an 8 x 8 Chessboard Euler’s Magic Square Solution