A NEW Framework for Government The Constitution
STRUGGLE FOR RATIFICATION Anti-Federalists Did not want the Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation. Believed that the Constitution didn’t protect the basic liberties of the people. Delegates were to fix (revise) the Articles, not replace them with a new document!
STRUGGLE FOR RATIFICATION Federalists Favored the Constitution and wanted a strong national government. Wrote the “Federalist Papers” - Defended the Constitution and asked others for support - Believed that unity among the states would protect against threats to peace - Promised amendments to the Constitution and a Bill of Rights to protect the people.
RATIFICATION out of 13 states had to vote in favor of the Constitution before it could become a law Because of the many differences between the Anti-Federalists and the Federalists, a debate called for a Bill of Rights to settle the differences. The Constitution was signed in 1787 but not adopted until 1788
FRAMEWORK OF GOVERNMENT Characteristics of the new government: A. Strong National Government B. 3 Separate Branches of Government - proposed in James Madison’s Virginia Plan - Legislative, Executive, and Judicial C. Two - house Congress (Legislative Branch) 1. Senate – equal representation of the states with 2 senators per state 2. House of Representatives – representation would be based on population of the states
FRAMEWORK OF GOVERNMENT D. Supremacy Clause 1. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. 2. If conflict – the federal government had more power than the states.
Bill of Rights A. James Madison was the author of the Bill of Rights B. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution C. Provided a written guarantee of individual rights These rights include: 1. Freedom of religion 2. Freedom of speech 3. Freedom of petition 4. Freedom of the press 5. Freedom of assembly
Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights is based on two documents from Virginia 1. The Virginia Declaration of Rights a. written by George Mason 2. The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom a. written by Thomas Jefferson
Three Branches of Government LegislativeExecutiveJudicial Makes the laws Carries out the laws Evaluates the laws Senate House of Representatives President Supreme Court Congress