Gene Regulation Complied by Siti Sarah Jumali Room 14, level 3 ext2123
Overall process of transcription and translation
Gene Expression An individual’s trillions of body cells all come from one cell (zygote). In differentiation the cells become different tissues (skin, muscle, organ) Certain cells will “turn on” or activate only the genes they need. This is called gene expression.
Factors that Affect Gene Expression The internal and external environment of a cell can influence which genes are “turned on”. Ex: - Hormones can “tell” a cell to activate a specific gene. - Outside temperature changes fur color in rabbits.
Regulation of bacterial expression Most microbial metabolic reactions require enzymes Some enzymes are needed in large amount throughout the bacterial life as a living demand i.e pyruvate dehydrogenase in glycolysis In other cases, the enzyme were only needed in certain amount. This is when the operon system comes into play
Gene Expression Mechanism
Gene Regulation How can genes be turned off and on? Examples from E. coli – Inducer – example is lactose (lac operon), pg 187 of (Black, J., 2005) – Repressor – argenine (arg operon), pg of (Black, J., 2005)
Terminologies Promoter – region of DNA where RNA polymerase initiate transcription Operator – acts as the traffic light that instructs the structural genes which are going to be transcribed Operon – consists of operator, promoter and three structural genes
The operon model of expression Describes the regulation of protein expression Genes that determine the surface of protein is known as structural genes In lac operon, there are 2 short DNA segment known as promoter and operator
Lac Operon of E. coli
Lac Operon
Induction on Gene Expression Turns on the transcription of a gene The substance involve is known as inducer The enzymes which are synthesized in the presence of inducers are termed inducible enzymes Eg. The enzyme β-galactosidase that splits lactose into glucose and galactose for E. coli.
Induction - Lac operon
Repression of Gene Expression Inhibits gene expression and decreases enzyme synthesis Prevent overabundance of and end product of a metabolic pathway The protein used to decrease the rate of production is known as repressor It has the ability to block transcription of an operon/RNA polymerase
Repression - Trp operon
Regulatory proteins have two binding sites One for a small effector molecule The other for DNA
Therefore no allolactose Constitutive expression RNA pol cannot access the promoter The lac operon is now repressed
The conformation of the repressor is now altered Some gets converted to allolactose Repressor can no longer bind to operator Translation The lac operon is now induced
The cycle of lac operon induction and repression Repressor does not completely inhibit transcription So very small amounts of the enzymes are made
Example of positive control When cAMP binds to CAP, complex binds to CAP site near lac promoter Resulting bend in DNA enhances RNA polymerase binding which increases transcription
When both lactose and glucose are high, the lac operon is shut off – Glucose uptake causes cAMP levels to drop – CAP does not activate transcription – Bacterium uses one sugar at a time, glucose When lactose is high and glucose is low, the lac operon is turned on – Allolactose levels rise and prevent lac repressor from binding to operator – CAP is bound to the CAP site – Bacterium uses lactose When lactose is low and glucose is high or low, the lac operon is shut off – Under low lactose conditions, lac repressor prevents transcription of lac operon
“Dari Ma’qil bin Yasar dari Nabi saw., beliau bersabda: Sesungguhnya ditusuknya kepala salah seorang diantara kamu dengan jarum besi itu lebih baik daripada ia menyentuh wanita yang tidak halal baginya.”(HR. Thabrani dan Baihaqi) Tazkirah Ramadhan…