The 11 Most Populous Countries
C leverly I nvestigating (and) U nderstanding I ssues B ecause P opulations B uild N ew R eliable J ustifiable M aps 1. China 2. India 3. USA 4. Indonesia 5. Brazil 6. Pakistan 7. Bangladesh 8. Nigeria 9. Russia 10. Japan 11. Mexico
AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY CHAPTER 4 CLASS NOTES Fundamentals of Population: Location, Distribution, & Density
Imagine that the number of students in our AP HuGe Class has doubled. list the effects of this, both positive and negative. Would you like to have more, fewer or the same number of students in the class as now? WHY?
Questions: 1. What services are easier to provide for an area of high population density? 2. What qualities are desirable about areas of lower population density? 3. If population continues to grow locally, what is the impact on population density?
Demography – Study of Population KEY THEMES… 1. DISTRIBUTION – total population # vs. where concentrated China – 90% live on Eastern shore Land usability, coastal cities
2. GROWTH – More Humans! Why is this a problem??? Straining the Earth (Competition) SOIL – farmed, eroded, deforestation OCEANS – fished, polluted AIR – polluted, losing ozone layer protection INNER EARTH – mined ores, fuels
HUGE EVENT… BEFORE Industrial Revolution: regional populations grow / decline with nature Epidemics, disasters, famines AFTER: Growth becomes dominant trend
3. MIGRATION – Movement of People Jobs, better life, escape, relationships Immigration / Emmigration
4. GOV’T POPULATION POLICIES – Ways to discourage / encourage growth Immigration Laws Gentrification Sterilization Family Planning Child Restrictions
Population Concentrations IN THE WORLD… 3 largest are in Eurasia E. ASIA – China, Japan, Indonesia S. ASIA – India, Bangladesh EUROPE – Germany, Belgium, UK, Holland, France
Population Distribution
In USA… W. Coast – LA, SF, SD Midwest – Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit E. Coast -Boston, NY, Washington DC, Baltimore We get a special case in USA…
MEGALOPOLIS – Cluster of Distinct Major Cities – Forms Large Realm On USA E. Coast BOS NY WASH MORE
Making the Count Census – A periodic, official count of a country’s population Population Data – Determines amount of federal aid Fire Police Congressional Seats (USA)
RUST BELT – (Manufacturing Belt) Northern industrial states (MI, OH, PA) where heavy industry was once the dominant economic activity 1960s, 70s, 80s lost much of economic base Cheaper labor elsewhere SUN BELT – US region (SE & SW states) that has grown most dramatically since WWII
Rust Belt
Sun Belt
Population Density- Number of People per unit area (sq. mile) 2 types
World Population Density
1. Arithmetic Pop. Den.- Breaks down data evenly Assumes pop. is spread out evenly across space Misleading??? No country has an evenly distributed population!!!
Arithmetic Pop. Den. Formula Country Pop. / Total Land = People per unit Egypt Pop.= 69.8 million (69,800,000) Egypt land Area = thousand sq. mi (384,300) 69.8 / =.1816 people per sq. mi. (182) or (just stay consistent!!!) 69,800,000 / 384,300 = (182)
2. Physiological Pop. Den. # of people per unit of ARABLE LAND- Useable land (agriculturally reproductive) NOT mountains, tundra, craters, canyons, desert Accurate reading of where people are located Shows population pressure # ALWAYS Higher!!!
Physiological Pop. Den. FORMULA Country Pop. / Arable land = people per arable unit 1. Have to ask what % of this country’s land is arable To find Arable Land: multiply total land by arable land percentage (as a decimal)
EGYPT PHYSIO. Pop. Den. Egypt Pop.= 69.8 million (69,800,000) Egypt land Area = th. sq. mi. (384,300) Egypt % Arable Land = 2% (Decimal Way) (Long Way) Arable Land = *.02 = *.02 =7686 Total Pop / Arable land = People per Arable U / = (9081) / 7686 = 9081