Module 2 Fantasy Literature vocabulary and reading.


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Presentation transcript:

Module 2 Fantasy Literature vocabulary and reading

Who is he? an orphan wears glasses talks to snakes weird things happen around him a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead possesses magical powers a wizard

Who is she? a mom a billionaire a famous writer the creator of Harry Potter series J. K. Rowling

the Harry Potter series

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone 哈利 · 波特与魔法石

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 哈利 · 波特与密室

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 哈利 · 波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 哈利 · 波特与火焰杯

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 哈利 · 波特与凤凰社

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 哈利 · 波特与 “ 混血王子 ”

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 哈利 · 波特与死亡圣器

I. Before you read the passage, finish Exercise 5 on P24. II. Read the passage carefully and finish Exercise 1 on P22. Remember to use complete sentences to answer these questions.

1. What did J.K Rowling use to write the first Harry Potter story? She wrote the first story with a pen because she couldn’t afford a typewriter. 2. Where did she write it? She wrote it in a cafeteria in Edinburgh. 3. Who did she write the books for? She wrote them for schoolchildren.

4. How many books a year did she intend to write? She intended to have an output of one book a year. she planned to write one Harry Potter book each year. 5. What is the appeal of the Harry Potter series? It appeals to readers of all ages, including parents. even parents find the books interesting and want to read them. That is to say

I. Exercise 3 on P23. Keys: Now discuss the answers to the questions with your partner. II. Exercise 4 on P23. Listen to the tape and underline the phrases. Careful reading Keys: c a d b c a-4, b-5, c-extra, d-1, e-6, f-2, g-3

天才作家 增添细节 与 ··· 相关 构思整个系列七本书的框架 用手书写 克服困难 要求调整书名 the gifted creator/ writer add flesh to the bones be associated with write by hand develop the format for the whole series of seven books overcome difficulties request an adjustment to the title

吸引各年龄段的读者 建立一条特殊纽带 是 ··· 的原因 appeal to readers of all ages create a special bond between… be responsible for 让 ··· 很高兴的是 限于讲英语的世界 获得 ··· 的地位 much to one’s pleasure be restricted to the English-speaking world attain the status of…

1.The idea for Harry Potter _________ her _______ she was on a delayed train between… and … 2.She spent many hours ______ a single cup of coffee in a warm cafeteria… 3.Success was not _______ and Rowling _____________________ ( 本来可能放弃 ). 4.________________________ more than 250 million copies have been distributed around the world. came to while swift might have given up It has been estimated that over

年她才完成第一本书,这本书应美国 出版商的要求改了名字,也叫《哈利波特与 魔法石》。 ______ only in 1997 ____ she completed the first Harry Potter story, _______, because the publishers in the USA requested an ____________ to the title, was also _________ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. I bet you don’t know philosopher’s stone has the power to change any other metal into gold It was that which adjustment known as

6. 实际上,她花了大概 10 年时间才完成这个 系列。 ______, it _____ her ______ 10 years to complete. Paraphrase this sentence: ___________________, she ______ about 10 years _____________________. In fact took about roughly As a matter of fact spent completing the books

7. 第五本书,《哈利波特与凤凰社》出版那 天就卖出了约 7,000,000 本。 The fifth book, The Order of the Phoenix sold about 7 million copies _______ it was published. the day

8. 罗琳的风格一直以来都是批评的对象,但 是这套书之所以重要,是因为它们吸引各年 龄层的读者,在家长和孩子们之前创造了特 殊的文学纽带。 Rowling’s style has been a ________ for some _________, but _____ makes the books so important is that, because they appeal to readers __________, they create a special _____________ between parents and children. target criticism what of all ages literary bond

9. 在这个电脑游戏和电视节目的时代,这些 书据称对于掀起新的读书热潮功不可没。 ____________ computer games and television programmes, ____ also ________ they are responsible for __________________ in reading. 10. 她因此也称为第一位成为亿万富翁的作家。 She has thus __________________ of being the first writer ___________ a billionaire. In an age of it is claimed a renewed interest attained the status to become

Explanation 1. 和 … 相关 association be associated with be related to be connected with/to be in connection with be linked to 2. Over 在 ··· 期间 (during sth) We’ll talk about it over the dinner They had a pleasant chat over a couple of coffee What did you do over the weekend?

Explanation responsible for (being the cause of sth) 作为原因, 成为起因 Pollution is responsible for animals’ extinction It’s claimed that cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer. 据说因肺癌而死亡者,约 90% 是吸烟所致

appeal vi. /n. 吸引 ; 呼吁 ; 上诉 Does the idea of working for a foreign enterprise appeal to you? They are appealing to the government for money to build a new school. Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic. The Beatles have never really lost their appeal. The boy’s mother made an emotional appeal on TV for his return.