Baker Overstreet - Dirty Piller's Beauty Bumps LexLex
Objectives Course Introduction Course Policies Objectives Materials Formatting Grading Regulations Programa Analitico de Clases
Course Objectives improve your writing improve your speaking increase your range and awareness of vocabulary improve your reading improve your critical thinking and analytical skills
Course Materials (1)Textbook (2)Pen & pencil (3)Notebook Also, it is strongly recommended that you have: (4)A good dictionary (5)A file or folder for photocopies
Please have your Course Materials by Session 3. Please make sure your Materials are “clean”.
Course Grading PARTIAL GRADE 25% Tests/Projects 25% Writing Assignment (Paragraph / Essay) 25% CW, HW, QQ 25% Participation FINAL GRADE 20% Final Exam 80% Average of Partials
Assignments Formatting 1.typed 2.double-spaced 3.sized to Arial 12 or Calibri 12 fonts 4.printed in black ink 5.printed clearly 6.printed on good-quality paper
Course Regulations 1.Punctual arrival 2.Regular attendance 3.Punctual work 4.Bringing course materials 5.No mobile phones 6.Academic honesty 7.Active participation 8.Classroom language: English
Unit 1 : Personality Grammar: Simple & Present continuous Vocabulary: Personality adjectives Prefixes Writing: Comparative Essay
JapaneseProverb You can find out a person’s personality if you look at the kind of people who are attracted to them.