UNIT 2 JOURNALS. JOURNAL 1-HERO How do you define a hero? What qualities does a hero possess? Provide examples of people or characters whom you believe.


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Presentation transcript:


JOURNAL 1-HERO How do you define a hero? What qualities does a hero possess? Provide examples of people or characters whom you believe to be heroes.

JOURNAL 2- ANTICIPATION GUIDE 1.A true best friend can make us a better person. 2.Living forever would be wonderful. 3.It’s okay to use violence against someone truly evil, even if they haven’t attacked you. 4.Dreams always mean something and can guide us in our decision making. 5.Rulers always govern in the best interest of their people.

JOURNAL 3- LEADER What qualities should a leader possess? What type of qualities would you NOT want to see in a leader? Think of an example of leader (club leader, sport’s captain, coach, teacher, principal, president, etc.) and describe their positive and negative qualities.

JOURNAL #4 Have you ever lost a loved one (family member, friend, pet, etc.)? If so, how would you characterize your journey of grief? If not, are you close with someone who has experienced such loss? What can you learn from supporting and observing that person’s process?

JOURNAL #5- USE 5 OF THE FOLLOWING VOCABULARY WORDS TO CREATE A STORY. Abundance Amiss Anointed Archetype Aspect Ballast Bestow Bounteous Endeavors Epic

JOURNAL #6 The first 6 weeks of this semester comes to an end on Wednesday, and I will be submitting grades for progress reports on Friday. Therefore, I want you to reflect on your effort thus far in World Lit this semester. Write down the following: 3 Things you have done (or not done) to earn the grade you have in class.*** 2 Things you will do to improve or maintain your grade. 1 Thing I can do to help you be more successful in class.

JOURNAL #7 Imagine aliens came to Earth tomorrow, write about what the would discover about Earthlings by reading the flood stories.

JOURNAL #8 Utnapishtim and his family became immortal. Gilgamesh is seeking immortality. Write an ending to the epic poem in which Gilgamesh either becomes immortal or fails in his quest.

JOURNAL #9 Write about a time in your life where you felt like a failure. What did you learn from this experience that may have helped you to become a stronger person?