Globalization = the process that is making the world’s citizens increasingly interdependent economically, socially, politically, environmentally, and technologically It is the invisible process that makes you part of a global community
Boiling Frogs
Globalization establishes its roots in economic trade For centuries, archaeologists have been unearthing hard evidence of trade and exchange between cultures thousands of miles apart
In today’s world, economic trade is at its all time high International trade ties countries and cultures together; they are dependant on each other various goods and services
Check the tag on the T-shirt of a person next to you Where were your shoes made? Where was your parents car made? Do you own any music that is not Canadian? What is your favorite cultural style of food? What is your favorite fruit? Vegetable?
Globalization has reinvented the way that companies operate in our world Corporations now have instant access to a wealth of prices and suppliers, shippers and receivers, buyers and sellers at their fingertips Trillions of dollars flow across the global economy on a daily basis
Since the creation of Google, people have become intimately connected We can now share everything from recipes, e-cards, pictures, music, images, slogans, flyers, posters, sales, deals, limited time offers, best rates, and the biggest player ADVERTISING
Globalization has facilitated the expansion of countless companies worldwide Instead of operating in one area or one country, they now have reach all corners of the globe
Wal-Mart began as an American department store and bought out 122 Canadian owned Woolco stores in 1994 Within a decade that number had more than doubled to 288 stores across Canada Do you support Wal-Mart products? Prices? Policies? Practices?