Panic Attacks By: Sheila Fraser and James Petro
DSM-IV Criteria Symptoms Palpitations Sweating Trembling Shortness of breath Sensations of choking or smothering Chest pain Nausea Dizziness Tingling sensations Chills or blushing Hot flushes
DSM-IV Criteria a. Recurrent and Unexpected Panic Attacks b. at least one of the attacks has been followed by 1 month ( or more) of one (or more) of the following Persistent concern about having additional attacks Worry of consequences of the next attack Significant change in behavior related to attack Also, must not be related to any other mental disorder
Who does it impact? Approximately 9% of Americans have some sort of an anxiety disorder 19.5% Female, 8% Male Anxiety Disorders often present with physical complaints that mask the underlying disorder. Moreover, the diagnostic criteria for anxiety disorders have been developed from studies of younger adults excluding elderly populations. Recently, new data suggests that anxiety disorders in the elderly are more prevalent than before. Common Age of diagnosis is usually around 25-30, but may also be any time before and after.
Impacts on Daily Life Panic attacks may affect ones: Eating habits Sleeping patterns Exercise routines Emotions (become exaggerated)
First Person Account A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A
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