water.europa.eu CIS Activity on CC & Water Guidance ‘river basin management in a changing climate’ SCG meeting 04/05 November 2009 Marieke van Nood/Balazs Horvath, Unit D.1, DG Environment, EC
water.europa.eu Slide 2 Scope of CIS SSG CC&Water 2008: -development of policy paper with main messages -document with best practices of incorporating climate change in first RBM Plan 2009: development of guidance on incorporating CC in water legislation and policy in following RBM cycles
water.europa.eu Slide 3 Aim and scope of guidance Based on agreed policy paper WD 2008 Target group is river basin managers Practical guidance Focus on coming RBM cycles (not 2100) Providing first tools, but work needed after 2009 Both water quality and quantity, both extreme events and gradual climate changes
water.europa.eu Table of content guidance 1.Foreword 2.Executive summary 3.Introduction 4.Policy framework 5.Climate modelling, projections, scenarios and uncertainty 6.Getting started: how to build adaptive capacity 7.Water Framework Directive and adaptation 8.Flood risk management and adaptation 9.Drought management and water scarcity and adaptation Annexes
water.europa.eu Slide 5 Preparation of guidance First drafts provided by UK/FR (CH7), EEA (CH6, 7.7), ES (CH9) and Floods drafting group (CH8) In September, coordination with other CIS groups – Ecostat, WG Floods, WS&D EN, WG Groundwater Comments via templates, all available on Circa Meeting SSG CC&Water on 7 October – further written comments received –see Circa
water.europa.eu Slide 6 Points for attention - 1 -SSG agreed that guidance is sufficiently developed, but quite long (90 pages for main body) -Sometimes overlap in guiding principles is recognised But: Indications that different chapters are welcomed as stand-alone reads Executive summary extracts the main messages and 11 summarising principles Next years will be used to get feedback from users, to fill possible gaps, and to exchange further information
water.europa.eu Slide 7 Points for attention - 2 -Term ‘resilience’ is used incorrectly: no climate resilient programme of measures or investments -> Propose to change terminology into ‘climate check’ -Example from Sweden on Modelling measure plans and climate change impact in Sweden identified at French workshop October, -> Propose to include in Chapter 7.7.2
water.europa.eu Slide 8 Request to SCG Take note of and discuss version 4 of the guidance Specifically pay attention to the executive summary and the guiding principles Discuss and agree with inclusion SE example and changes to term ‘climate resilient’ Identify issues which are insufficiently developed and therefore candidate for inclusion in mandate If needed, submit editorial comments until 13 November 2009 Discuss and agree that a final draft version will be presented to the Water Directors for their endorsement during their meeting in Sweden on 30 November 2009.
water.europa.eu Slide 9 Follow up after WD Final editing and lay-out improvements (e.g. examples) Make guidance document publicly available Future CIS activity: Feedback from river basin managers on experiences with applying the 2009 guidance document in practice Further discuss approaches for enhancing climate resilience and carrying out a sensitivity check of WFD PoM Further discuss how to deal with uncertainty of climate change impacts in river basin management Specific activities in other CIS groups (e.g. groundwater)