25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas1 Outline LHCb gas systems meeting Outline Introduction Review usage of LHCb gas M&O 2013 Review achievements during 2013 Agree/Review activities and schedule for 2014
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas2 Introduction – Working team PH-DT-DI Gas Service Team ALICE Albin Wasem ATLAS Frederic Merlet (0.25) Louis-P. De Menezes (0.5) CMS-TOTEM Andrea D’Auria (0.5) LHCb Patrick Carrie (0.5) Steven Pavis (0.25) Coordination R. Guida FSU team Jonathan Dumollard Abdelmajid Laassiri Benjamin P. Marichy Herve Martinati Ace Ordanov (User) Cedric Landraud (also CMS-CO2) Guillaume Lacroix (also CERN Expo) Gas Service Team mandate: M&O and upgrades of the gas systems for all the LHC experiments: -preventive and corrective maintenance on 30 gas systems -on-call service all along the year (24/24 7/7) – phone Construction of gas systems for other experiments at CERN (CLOUD, NA62, LINAC4, …) General support for test beam and equipment belonging to external users.
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas3 LHCb experiment and Gas Service Team PH-DT-DI Gas Service Team First contact persons for all issues related to LHCb gas systems during working hours is in charge of: -standard operation -standard maintenance/small modifications -daily check of all systems LHCb Patrick Carrie – Steven Pavis – If Patrick and Steven are on holiday or busy: -during working hours call directly Roberto ( ) -outside working hours call directly on-call service ( ) Outside working hours call directly on-call service ( )
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas4 In order to cope with LS1 a significant reinforcement of the team during 2013 was needed: ▫two new users with high experience in the workshop (mechanics and gas systems) ▫many students for short and well defined projects Details: CERN FTE (and students > 1 year): ▫6.3 FTE: +1.3 wrt 2012 -Ernesto: TTS 50% for gas project “FSU” (FSU + technical users): ▫5.5 FTE: +1.5 wrt 2012 -Ace: user on ATLAS budget -Andrei: user on ALICE budget Trainees (student < 1 year) ▫1.9 FTE: +1.8 wrt 2012 -4 trainees (3 from Poland, 1 from Canada) -2 summer students -2 children of staff members Working team Gas Service working team
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas activities can be divided into three main sectors: 1.Standard maintenance of gas systems for the LHC experiments 2.LS1 consolidation program for the LHC experiments 3.Not LHC experiments/support to users LS1 – 2013: Overview PH-DT-DI Gas Service Team Standard maintenance and LS1 consolidation program constitute the main field of activity Not LHC experiments and support to users represent about 20% of the activities
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas6 LHCb contribution to M&O budget for gas systems: 106 kCHF LHCb gas M&O 2013: on-call Review usage of LHCb gas M&O 2013 Low/high buffer pressure RI1 and RI2 Atmospheric pressure excursions Regulation valves manual adjustment C4F10 recuperation Power cuts - restart all systems Backup gases Purifiers Analysis systems (common and specific OT) On-call service:
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas7 On-call service summary LHCb gas M&O 2013: on-call Review usage of LHCb gas M&O 2013 On average only 1.5 h/year/system of downtime (power-cuts and outside events excluded) Intervention are: ▫Equally distributed between experiments ▫Decreasing with time Intervention triggered by:
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas8 LHCb gas M&O 2013: material Review usage of LHCb gas M&O 2013
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas9 LHCb gas M&O 2013: material Review usage of LHCb gas M&O 2013
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas10 LHCb gas M&O 2013: material for gas workshop Review usage of LHCb gas M&O 2013
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas11 LHCb gas M&O 2013: FSU resources Review usage of LHCb gas M&O 2013
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas12 Summary: LHCb gas M&O 2013: summary Review usage of LHCb gas M&O 2013 about 19 kCHF overspending
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas schedule LS1 – 2013 schedule
25/03/2014P. Carrie, R. Guida, S. Pavis PH-DT-DI Gas14 LS1 – 2014 schedule More details available on the excel table in agenda 2014 schedule