Management System for Graduate Students May, 2011
Advisors Dr. Yuval Elovici Chuchem Tamar Members Tal Franko Tal Goldstein Tamir Zur Miriam Nir
background The process of managing a Graduate studies, should be computerized, and interactive. Today, it is not the case. The Engineering department wants the handle all the graduate students needs, in a way the monitors all the steps of the student: from registration to thesis grade, with the options to manage and save all the forms and request from all the players (student, advisor, examiner, authorization committee etc.)
motivation We created a web system that manages the “stations” of the graduate student. This system will save a lot of paperwork and will give easy and quick access to all graduate students and faculty members, that would like to check their status – and save countless man hours. The system will present the university as a modern place to nominees. With an electronic system, forms will not be “lost” And countless trees will be saved.
Disadvantage of other systems Currently, there are no available systems. There are website of the university that offers information on student’s status, but most of these website give very targeted information (lecturer’s , exam hours etc.) for most forms now – there is no other way to submit them, without using real paper forms, and the department’s secretaries.
Our solution The system will show the student’s status from registration to final thesis grade – with all the stations on the way. Our solution is to keep all the available stations for each student, from its current station. For example: if a student is already registers – he can see former thesis, choose an advisor or sent a lecturer a request, but he can’t upload thesis yet. The data object holds the available stations and the username private data (ID, , department).
Example: Student stations registration Acceptance. Get username & password for system Choosing / changing advisor Upload thesis / make changes in thesis / resubmit thesis / see former thesis Submit request to advisor Final exam
Future development & summary The system, after testing should eliminate the use of any type of paper form, and keep all requests and thesis in store. The system should run its first cycle next year (fall 2011) and be tested with next year’s graduate students. there might be a few adjustments, if we want the system to fit any type of degree.