Tag File System in Cloud 林敬棋 NTU CSIE D
Research Statement This project aims at adding tags to the files in the cloud storage. ◦ A tag is a keyword used to describe an object. Often used in social bookmarking, social news and blog entries to help users search for relevant content.
Motivation and Challenge The traditional hierarchy based file system may not work well in the cloud. ◦ Files belong to the same user can be stored in different server. Use tags to manage the files instead of directory. Challenges: ◦ Maintain tag-file relationship. Crash recovery, migration, … ◦ Efficient tag management Searching, renaming, …
Potential Solution Centralized solution ◦ Keeps a tag-to-file table in the master server. Decentralized solution ◦ Each server keeps a tag-to-file table for files stored on it.
Novelty There are already some tag file system. ◦ However, they works on single machine. ◦ Nevertheless, they only add a layer on the hierarchy based file system. Currently people tag tags on websites, blogs, and articles. ◦ Not general files.
Resource Required Private cloud ◦ A set of servers. Files with different contents.
Evaluation Items ◦ Upload/download files ◦ Add/delete/modify tags ◦ Search/list files with given tags “Why you believe you can succeed?” ◦ I can get strong backup from my colleagues since our lab majors in cloud computing.