ontents DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE c c 2 1. Aim of the Department 2.Measurable Objectives 3.Budget Summary 4.Detail per Programmes to Achieve Objectives 5.Additional Information
AIM OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE AIM OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE To develop and preserve South African culture to ensure social cohesion and nation-building 3
DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE easurable objectives Programme 1: Administration Programme 3: National Language Service Programme 2: Arts and Culture in Society Conduct the overall management of the department and provide centralised support services. Increase and facilitate access to and broader participation in arts and culture through policy formulation, legislation and equitable funding. Develop, promote and protect the 11 official languages through policy formulation, legislation and the implementation of the language policy in order to allow South Africans to realise their language rights. 4 M M
DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE easurable objectives Programme 4: Cultural Development and International Co-operation Programme 5: Heritage Promotion Increase the access and participation of grassroots arts practitioners in cultural industry economic activities through training, legislation and international opportunities. Ensure the transformation of the heritage landscape as a vehicle for nation-building and social cohesion, through the implementation of heritage policies and legislation. 5 M M
easurable objectives Programme 6: National Archives, Records, Meta-Information and Heraldic Services Enable transparency and evidenced- based good governance of archives, records, published information, and the heraldic and symbolic inheritance of the nation through institutional management, regulation and development. DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE 6 M M
B B udget Summary R’000 Public Entities (42.90%) Capital Works (14.70%) Other Transfer Pay (14.95%) Community Libraries (11.19%) Department (16.25%) Total Transfers dominate the total budget allocation at 83,75 % 7
R’000 u Performing Arts Institutions u Promote Arts and Culture u 2010 World Cup Projects u National Arts Council Total (17%) DETAIL PER PROGRAMME rts and Culture in Society rts and Culture in Society A A 8
Arts and Culture in Society 9 Performing Arts Institutions State Theatre Artscape Playhouse Company Performing Arts Centre of the Free State Market Theatre Windybrow Theatre Business Arts South Africa R’ (8,47%)
R’000 u Language Planning and Development u Translating and Editing u National Terminology u Human Lang. Technologies u Pansalb Total (6%) ational Language Service ational Language Service N N DETAIL PER PROGRAMME 10
R’000 u Cultural Industries u Investing in Culture u Promote Culture International u National Film and Video Foun Total (13%) ultural Development and International Co-operation ultural Development and International Co-operation C C 11 DETAIL PER PROGRAMME
R’000 u National Heritage Council u Declared Cultural Institutions (Museums etc.) u Capital Works u South African Heritage Resources Agency u Heritage Promotion u SA Geographical Names Total (39%) eritage Promotion H H 12 DETAIL PER PROGRAMME
Heritage Promotion Declared Cultural Institutions (Museums etc.) Northern Flagship Institution Iziko Museum Natal Museum National Museum Die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum National English Literary Museum Voortrekker Museum War Museum of the Boer Republics Robben Island Museum William Humphreys Art Gallery Engelenburg House Art Collection Nelson Mandela Museum Albert Luthuli Freedom Park: Current Freedom Park: Capital R’ (17%)
R’000 u National Archives u Bureau of Heraldry u Meta-Information u Community Libraries u Libraries Total (18%) ational Archives, Records, Meta- Information and Heraldic Services ational Archives, Records, Meta- Information and Heraldic Services N N 14 DETAIL PER PROGRAMME
R’000 u Staffing (7,35%) u Good and Services (8,58%) A A 15 DETAIL PER PROGRAMME dditional Information
DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE 16 A A dditional Information Additional Funds Received: u Increase to the staff establishment: R10 million in 2007/08 R15 million in 2008/09 and R20 million in 2009/10 u Preparation for the opening and closing ceremonies for the 2010 FIFA World Cup and other related activities: R25 million in 2007/08, R50 million in 2008/09 and R75 million in 2009/10 u Upgrading the public entities and the South African Library for the Blind: R39 million in 2007/08, R43 million in 2008/09 and R80 million in 2009/10
udget DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE 17 * * * * B B * outer years of the MTEF
END DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE The Director-General Department of Arts and Culture Private Bag X897 PRETORIA 0001 Tel: (012) Fax: (012)