Being Deaf. By Kerry Mitchell By Kerry Mitchell (A special tribute to my mum). (A special tribute to my mum).
Diagnoses. 8 months old. At 3 years old. at 5 years old. And … finally at 10 years old
I have a moderate to severe deafness, and when people ask am I deaf or hard of hearing I always respond “deaf”. Preferred method of communication is SSE. My mum brought me up on her own using the oral method of communication.
How did I know university was right for me ?? The university reputation for supporting deaf students was really good. I knew two interpreters who were working there at the time, they told me a great deal of information. Open days.
DSA Assessment. Birmingham. Interview totally relevant. Assessor and recommendations were very good. The paper work was explained fully. Equipment WELL !!
University equipment. I use a note taker (who is FAB). English support. CSU. Course team. Other services….
Support BSL/ English interpreters. Lip speakers. Electronic and manual note takers. English support. Information can be found on
Life at university. Social life (what’s that??). Academic life. Support problems. (CSU are great at supporting deaf students, and were nominated for an award last year).
The way forward. I have really enjoyed studying and have overcome many challenges, I cant really think of anything specific. The staff have a great deal of patience and understanding of inclusion, I would like to see this continue as a way Forward.