K. Luchini LCLS Injector /BC1 Magnet PS Final Design Review, March 30, 2006 1 Injector and BC1 Magnet PS Controls K. Luchini.


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Presentation transcript:

K. Luchini LCLS Injector /BC1 Magnet PS Final Design Review, March 30, Injector and BC1 Magnet PS Controls K. Luchini Requirements System Architecture Intermediate PS Computer Control MCOR Controls MCOR System Architecture MCOR (VME) Computer Controls MCOR Ground Current Monitor (VME) Computer Controls I &C Cable Layout Status

K. Luchini LCLS Injector /BC1 Magnet PS Final Design Review, March 30, Requirements Magnet Power Supplies Stability Bends and solenoids Short term : 100 ppm RMS, over 1 second Long term: 100 ppm RMS, over 10 seconds Correctors, quads and trim coils Short term: 30 ppm RMS, over 1 second Long term: 400 ppm RMS, over 10 seconds Temperature System must operate in diurnal temp drifts of +/- 15 deg C (Linac gallery ) Injector and BC1 for magnet systems will have separate controls and power Fast feedback Rate of 10Hz - for 4 of the Injector correctors Sync timestamp w/beam pulse Bipolar and Unipolar PS Existing Magnets Must be able to control from SLC and new EPICS control system LI21 Quad String Q21201 must run in opposite polarity in LCLS mode from SLC mode. Q21301 will be set to zero in LCLS mode (hw installed).

System Architecture OPI SCP Ethernet (LCLSnet) EPICS IOC VME Crate CAMAC SLC Micro SLAC Ethernet PS Controller VMS Linux SLC net Alpha CA Server Standalones SCOR Bulk PSPS Bulk PS Large PS Controller MCOR (LEBnet)

Terminal Server Network Switch SLAC Ethernet PS Controller Ethernet OPI Intermediate PS Controller System Architecture EPICS IOC Intermediate PS Transductors Interlocks

K. Luchini LCLS Injector /BC1 Magnet PS Final Design Review, March 30, SLAC Ethernet Controller

Ethernet PS Controller

MCOR Bulk PS System Architecture for Magnets 30A and under OPI EPICS IOC VME Crate Bulk PS MCOR Gnd Current Monitor MCOR Amps max MCOR Soft-Start

K. Luchini LCLS Injector /BC1 Magnet PS Final Design Review, March 30, I/O Requirements Analog Input: Differential signal measurement 16-bit resolution (15ppm), 16-channels per module Bipolar +/- 10V Conversion rate less than 1 millisecond for all channels Extended temperature 4ºC (40ºF) to 45ºC (113ºF) Analog Output Updated channels simultaneously or individually 16-bits resolution (15ppm), 16-channels per module Bipolar +/- 10V Extended temperature 4ºC (40ºF) to 45ºC (113ºF) Digital Output Optically Isolated Largest expected voltage +24V Extended temperature 4ºC (40ºF) to 45ºC (113ºF) Digital Input Optically Isolated Largest expected voltage +24V Extended temperature 4ºC (40ºF) to 45ºC (113ºF)

K. Luchini LCLS Injector /BC1 Magnet PS Final Design Review, March 30, MCOR VME Controls Acromag IP231-16E: MCOR (control) Bipolar voltage +/- 10V Independent D/A converter per channel with a 13 microsecond settle time 16-bit resolution, 16-channels, single-ended Temperature extended -40ºC (-40ºF) to 85ºC (185ºF) Hytec IP-ADC-8413: MCOR (monitor) Bipolar voltage +/- 10V 16-bit resolution, 16-channel, differential Temperature extended Acromag IP-440-2E Digital Input: MCOR Ground Current Monitor (monitor) 32-Channel Input voltage range +/- 16V to +/- 40V Optically Isolated Temperature extended -40ºC (-40ºF) to 85ºC (185ºF) Acromag IP-445-E Digital Output: MCOR Ground Current Monitor (control) 32-Channel Voltage range +/-60V Optically Isolated Temperature extended -40ºC (-40ºF) to 85ºC (185ºF)

K. Luchini LCLS Injector /BC1 Magnet PS Final Design Review, March 30, MCOR VME Controls Continued MVME6100 CPU – Power PC Two Ethernet ports Port 1: Channel Access - VLAN magnet Port 2: Fast feedback - VLAN fast feedback Two PMC slots Slot 1: Event Receiver – Timing Wiener VME-64X Crate with P0, Fan and Ethernet Control Acromag AVME X IP Carrier (1 per MCOR crate) 4 Ports Acromag Tran-200: Transition Module Install in rear of VME crate 4 SCSI-2 Connectors (50-pin)

Injector VME Crate Profile

MCOR Cable Layout AVME9670 C D B A DAC IP E IP-ADC-8413 P1 P2 P0 Front View Trans-200 Port C Port D Port B Port A P1 P2 P0 VME Backplane Rear View MCOR Crate J3J4

MCOR Current Monitor Cable Layout AVME9670 C D B A DI IP-440-2E DO IP-445-E P1 P2 P0 Front View Trans-200 Port C Port D Port B Port A P1 P2 P0 VME Backplane Rear View MCOR Ground Current Monitor

K. Luchini LCLS Injector /BC1 Magnet PS Final Design Review, March 30, List of VME Needed ManufModelTypeQty (**) Acromag AVME9670 Trans-200 IP Carrier Transition 10 (2) Hytec Acromag IP-ADC-8413 IP E Analog In Analog Out 10 (2) Acromag IP-440-2E IP-445-E Digital In Digital Out 3 (1) Micro Research Wiener EVR-200 VME-6023X-610JL Event Recv VME 64x crate 2222 MotorolaMVME-6100PowerPC CPU2 Note: **Contingency Included

K. Luchini LCLS Injector /BC1 Magnet PS Final Design Review, March 30, Status VME 64X Crates: ordered VME Modules: ordered except for analog modules PMC Modules Evr: order pending Network Switches: ordered Terminal Servers: ordered Inter-rack Cable Fabrication: not yet started Drawings EI drawings - TBD VSIO drawing prototypes done WI drawings -TBD VISIO drawing prototypes done CAPTAR coding for cable plant in