1.Introduction I.Physics of the atomic nucleus 2.A first view on nuclear properties 3.Particle accelerators 4.Particle detection 5.Scattering processes 6.Shape of the nucleus 7.Nuclear decays 8.Models of the nucleus 9.Nuclear magnetic resonance in medicine 10.Nuclear reactions 11.Nucleosynthesis 12.Nuclear force
2.A first view on nuclear properties 2.1 The atomic nucleus and its constitutents 2.2Nuclides 2.3Nuclear mass 2.4The Weizsäcker mass formula 2.5 Nuclear spin 2.5Magnetic dipole moments 2.6 Electric quadrupole moments
Discovery of the electron Joseph John Thomson 1897 x B E
Discovery of „X-Strahlen“ Röntgen 1895
Discovery of radioactivity Henri Bequerel 1896
Discovery of the atomic nucleus Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden
Discovery of the proton as a product of a nuclear reaction Ernest Rutherford 1919
Discovery of the neutron James Chadwick 1932
The nuclear chart
Segrè: Nuclei and Particles
Povh et al., „Particles and nuclei“ Nuclear binding energy per nucleon
F.W. Bopp: Kerne, Hadronen und Elementarteilchen Charge distribution radius of the nucleus
Krane: Introductory nuclear physics Contributions to the nuclear binding energy
Magnetic field at the nucleus (in Tesla), produced by atomic electron:
Hyperfine splitting of the hydrogen ground state
Coupling of I and J governs the magnetic moment of the atom:
Hyperfine splitting for I=3/2, J=1/2 (Musiol /Ranft et al., Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik)
(Segrè, Nuclei & particles) Effect of a magnetic field on the hyperfine- splitting of the Na D 2 -line
R abi‘s atomic beam method
Example of a measurement using Rabi‘s method