Chapter 3
High Quality Assessment Focus upon the use and consequences of assessment results Results then promote specific targeted learning goals Basic Criteria Clear and appropriate learning targets Alignment of assessment methods to learning targets Validity & Reliability Fairness & Positive consequences Alignment to standards and benchmarks and/or common core Practical, usable and efficient Understood by teacher and students
High Quality Assessment Basic Types of Assessment Selected Response (Fill in the blank, multiple choice, T or F, matching or Constructed Response (Fill in the blank, essay, short answer, “show all your work”) Observation Self evaluation questionnaire, inventory, survey) Matching Targets with Assessment Methods (refer to Figure 3.3)
High Quality Assessment What is validity –Validity refers to how well a test measures what it is purported to measure. To determine validity 1)Content related validity (importance in instruction equals importance in assessment) 2)Criterion related validity (will another assessment design provide the same results) 3)Instructional validity (does it assess what was taught) What is reliability - Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results. Opposite of a reliable assessment is an unreliable one
High Quality Assessment 1)A mile race will utilize a stop watch which should justify a reliable result 2)A disposition/ attitude or “feelings” inventory may have an unreliable result 3)An assessment may be considered reliable although there may be an assessment error due to a variety of sources internal errors (anxiety, motivation, mood) or external errors (test interruptions, scoring, test room conditions). This may be considered an assessment error
Bias in Assessment Bias may be present in assessment and may distort performance due to a variety of factors including: race, gender, age, religion, etc. Bias may be present in (a) offensiveness due to the nature of a question, (b) the above factors as well as geography Bias may be unintentional – example – the man smoking a pipe and a man chopping wood – discussed in class may reflect one’s superficial observation
What are the positive consequences of assessment 1)Students will be accustomed to reforming their study habits to reflect the teacher’s assessment style (essay questions will demand a different style of studying) 2)Appropriate assessment may increase student motivation due to the fact that the student will understand the assessment style and the feedback provided by the teacher 3)Motivation will increase by having appropriate assessment designs restructured 4)The teacher will structure the instruction to reflect the impending assessment designs
Assessment and the alignment with standards AERA asks 1)Does the content of the assessment match the current standards? 2)Does the content of the assessment match the required content which was used in instruction? 3)Do the standards reflect a variety of assessment options 4)Do the level of the assessments allow for upper level performance (based upon normal distribution)? 5)Does the assessment reflect relevant instruction and not extraneous instruction? Refer to table 3.13
Biased questions (?) STRAWBERRY:RED (A) peach:ripe (B) leather:brown (C) grass:green (D) orange:round (E) lemon:yellow Two students solve the following problem A + B = C Kim Lee states B + A = C and Kareem states that C – A = B Who is correct (Kim Lee), (Kareem) (Both students) (Neither student) Where can a woman place a cup of coffee once she is finished ? (1) Table (2) Saucer (3) Both are correct (4) Neither are correct
Biased questions (?) Which word(s) is correctly spelled? (1) Affect (2) Effect (3) Honor (4) Honour (5) All are correct What are the ways a man can cross a river (1)Bridge (2) Boat (3) Walking (4) Bridge and Boat (5) Bridge, Boat and Walking A team scores two touchdowns and one field goal How many points has the team scored? What will you call your father’s brother? Fill in the blank boat: marina as race car: __________ subway: turnstile as taxicab: __________
Design of the GNED 302 Midterm 1) What type of assessment design is the most appropriate ? 2) How will the assessment be administered ? 3) How will the assessment become “fair” for all site ? 4) Who will design the assessment (instructor, text test bank, text chapters?) 5) What will affect the results? Style and design Length Submission design Value for grade