WISE Working Group D September 2009, Brussels Jon Maidens
Reporting spatial data Agenda 3a
Spatial information reporting (I) Features NOT points River Basin Districts (RBDSUCA.xsd) Sub-units (RBDSUCA.xsd) Surface Water bodies (SWB.xsd) Ground Water bodies (GWB.xsd) Protected areas (ProtArea.xsd)
Spatial information reporting (II) All objects defined in the schema will be present in the spatial dataset Attribute information for these spatial objects are defined in the associated schemas and attribute information should only be reported against the schemas
Spatial information reporting (III) Shapefile format (mandatory fields) Upload to same ReportNet folder Follow the naming convention [Country ID]_[River Basin District ID]_[Feature set name]_[Date] Positional accuracy for reported data should be better than 125 metres (1: ) and a maximum of 500 meters (corresponding to a scale of 1: ) ETRS-89.
Guidance Guidance on reporting spatial data available on resources webpage (document No. 3): Addition to guidance and support Template shape files and supplementary guidance Additionally hydrography specification provides guidance on a consistent approach – following extends hydrography specification using a model set up by the WasserBLIcK- System
Goal Harmonised visualisation of reported data on river water bodies Data consistency and quality checking enforcing logical and topological criteria outlined in guidance document Shape file template model addresses issues in spatial reporting
Approaches to WB identification Although water bodies will follow the geometry of the surface waters; they can begin / end at different locations. The nodes of WFD water bodies can differ from the nodes of the physical watercourse segments. A number of watercourses can form a single water body for the WFD
Delineation of water bodies from the real world
Maintain the river network – a virtual river segment is created (I) Inferred line through lake Common nodes need to be established to connect the feature types
Maintain the river network – a virtual river segment is created (II) Inferred line through lake becomes virtual segment in dataset Real and virtual segments create a closed river network Details of the network are captured through the attributes of the segments which are identified
Maintain the river network – a virtual river segment is created (III) CONTINUA attribute - a selection from a code list identifies whether the segment is real or virtual, and if it is virtual the type of feature it represents.
Continua attribute
River water body segmentation
RW Shape file template
Complete network example
Templates River, Lake, Transitional and Coastal water bodies Groundwater bodies Protected areas Available online Guidance updated
Groundwater bodies