Core MasteryConnect Professional Development
Core Objectives Upon completion of MasteryConnect’s Core Professional Development participants will be able to: Understand the Why and What of MasteryConnect Create and navigate Trackers Find and follow teachers in the community Find and create assessments (single standard, multiple standard, item bank) Know multiple ways to deliver assessments Access and analyze data in reports to identify levels of understanding and opportunities for intervention with students Know where to go for HELP!
Get Started Agenda Getting Started Socrative Mastery Trackers All About Assessments Reporting Q and A Account Development Time Wrap-Up and Feedback Ground Rules Stay with me Participate Ask questions Honor Hands off / Heads up Silence your technology It’s OK to make mistakes
Get Started Go to: Click: Student Login Type in Teacher’s Room Name : (Enter Classroom Name)
Teaching Model Comparison
Teaching Model Comparison
Teaching Model Comparison
What is MasteryConnect?
MasteryConnect improves student outcomes by: Identifying levels of understanding Targeting students for intervention Self-evaluating teaching and learning
As a classroom teacher how have you been using data to influence the way you deliver instruction? What are some of the challenges that you’ve discovered with collecting data, analyzing it and disaggregating it? In your school or district who has the primary responsibility to collect data and share results? Is this one person or a whole department? What limitations might this be causing? Based on what you’ve seen so far how do you think Mastery Connect can help you use data more effectively? Which feature will be most helpful to you and/or your PLC team?
Grade vs. Intervention
What You Must Know and Do: Create a Tracker Identify 3 power standards Identify standard(s) to assess Find 3 assessments and add to your tracker Find the test ID number Deliver Assessments Analyze the reports for your assessment Create an assessment from the item bank (if applicable) Delete a Tracker Invite Teachers Bookmark assessments Upload assessments Download MasteryConnect apps Show and explain “Help” Bookmark: