SERU survey…and more! Dr. Jeanna Mastrodicasa Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Division of Student Affairs


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Presentation transcript:

SERU survey…and more! Dr. Jeanna Mastrodicasa Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Division of Student Affairs

A Sample of Usage Tracking by Student Affairs Departments 108,115 student volunteer hours (valued at $2.3M) 34,963 unique students who participated in Recreational Sports 37,076 student attendees to Gator Nights 5186 students used the Counseling and Wellness Center 2414 students in distress/crisis More than 1600 student employees within the Division of Student Affairs 1168 students registered with the Disability Resource Center 1175 students in Conduct cases 985 registered student organizations

Graduation Exit Survey: All UF students Began Spring 2012; mandatory Summer 2012 Collects plans post-graduation, including location, salary, and job or graduate school status Spring 2012: 60% of all UF students, both undergraduate and graduate, at graduation in Spring 2012 intended to work full or part-time jobs. 29% indicated they would continue onto graduate school.

Trends we see: More students seeking mental health counseling and with more severe cases More UF students choosing to join sororities and fraternities (19.5% of undergraduates currently) Gator Nights: attendance is spread out across classes, lots of graduate students and families More student organizations, more interest in recreational sports and intramurals, increase in culturally diverse student organizations Interest by graduate students in more support from the university

What is SERU? Student survey began in the University of California system: Student Experience in Research Universities Developed by UC Berkley Center for Studies in Higher Education Tailored to research universities and opened to AAU members outside California in 2009 Surveyed all undergraduate students – not a sample!

Hours studying per week

Hours participating in student organizations per week

Hours exercising/ recreational sports per week

Hours partying per week

Hours working each week

UF SERU results: UF student views in 2009 and 2011 Satisfaction with (satisfied or very satisfied) change Academic experience62%61%-1% Social experience67% 0% Value of your education for the price70%63%-7% Faculty quality67%65%-2% Advising by school/college staff48%51%+3% Access to small classes43%47%+4% Availability of courses for graduation53%58%+5%

2011 results: UF compared to AAU peers Satisfaction with (satisfied or very satisfied)UFAAU peers Difference Academic experience61% 62%-1% Social experience67%61%+6% Value of your education for the price63%52%+11% Faculty quality65%68%-3% Advising by school/college staff51%49%+2% Access to small classes47%45%+2% Availability of courses for graduation58%53%+5%

UF SERU results: UF student views in 2009 and Change Experiences (have done or now doing) -- Research project, creative activity/paper in course79%83%+4% -- Course with international or global focus66%42%-24% -- Know at least one faculty well enough for reference81%80%-1% -- Study 16 or more hours per week26%31%+5% Would still choose to enroll again (agree or strongly agree) 78%77%-1% Feel that you belong at your institution (agree or strongly agree) 75%74%-1% Important to graduate in four years (very important or essential) 48% 0% Intend to go to graduate or professional school after graduation 59%56%-3%

2011 results: UF compared to AAU peers UFAAU peers Difference Experiences (have done or now doing) -- Research project, creative activity/paper in course83%87%-4% -- Course with international or global focus42% 0% -- Know at least one faculty well enough for reference80%86%-6% -- Study 16 or more hours per week31%38%-8% Would still choose to enroll again (agree or strongly agree) 77%72%+5% Feel that you belong at your institution (agree or strongly agree) 74%69%+5% Important to graduate in four years (very important or essential) 48%60%-12% Intend to go to graduate or professional school after graduation 56%42%+14%

Activities Giving a Sense of Belonging as a Gator (significantly or extremely) Activity UF’s athletics/sports events 68%55% Academic achievement as a UF student 58%63% Socializing with friends (w/o alcohol) 50%64% Participating in student organizations 36%40% Living on-campus 36%43% Socializing with friends (with alcohol) 35%43% Access to on-campus exercise facilities 30%37% Participating in sororities or fraternities 22%26% Leadership in student organization(s) 21%32% Living off-campus 21%28%

Other data from SERU 2011 Students who are officers or members of student organizations have higher GPA’s than those who are not involved (3.44/3.43 v. 3.21) Students who live on campus have higher GPA’s than those who do not (3.3 v. 3.2) Sorority and fraternity members are the most satisfied with their UF experience: 46% v. 25% are very satisfied with their overall social experience 77% agree or strongly agree that they would choose to enroll at UF if they had to do it over again

Students of My Race/ Ethnicity Are Respected on Campus Percentage of students who agree or strongly agree

Students of My Sexual Orientation Are Respected on This Campus Percentage of students who agree or strongly agree

Use of Campus Support Services

Mean helpfulness of campus support services

Use and Helpfulness (1-5 rating scale) of Student Services AreaUseHelpfulness Rank of helpfulness (out of 19 services) Academic Advising87% Recreational Sports77%4.232 Off Campus Tutoring55%4.241 Student Activities and Involvement33%3.646 On Campus Tutoring26% Counseling and Wellness Center19%3.449

Advising by School/College Staff

Topics of Responses to Open Ended Question

Open ended comments about advising:

Common themes: More advisors, less wait time Impersonal feel to advising; designate an advisor to be assigned to student to build relationships Require advisor meetings each semester More advising for freshmen and sophomores, especially exploratory majors Want more consistency with answers between advisors

Open ended responses about advising The most important thing that has kept me in school is an advisor who is a member of the faculty and is personally invested in the undergraduates in her program. Academic advisor help with facts that aren't buttered up. We deserve to know the truth about what is going on with our academic careers and what steps we have to take to get where we want. Hire advisors who get paid JUST to advise instead of making reluctant professors advise because they do a horrible job. Provide a more structured and organized advising service for those in their freshman and sophomore years.

Open ended responses about advising The University of Florida can establish better advising for undergraduate students, so they don't come here feeling lost and unsure about their education desires. Provide better advising for undergraduate students on which classes to take. The advisors here are pretty good, but I didn't feel prepared to make my own schedule each semester because they never gave me any further direction than that one semester. I think that it would be helpful if incoming freshmen were required to have an individual advising session before they attend the University. In this session the advisor should offer basic information that every new student should know.

Perhaps having advising offices open later, until 5 or 6. Many times classes are later than others and it's difficult to be able to sit down for an extended period of time with an adviser before 4 p.m. Don't bombard first-year students with too much information at once, especially during orientations and advising sessions. We have plenty to think about and figure out as it is. Academic advising should focus less on getting the students in and out and more on successfully answering their questions. We attend advising hours to gain knowledge of our classes and the path we should be taking to reach our future endeavors. Open ended responses about advising

SERU Summary Students have capacity to study more Involved and engaged students perform better academically Students prefer off campus tutoring to on campus tutoring Students have lots of opinions about their academic experience Students appreciate the value of their education for the price Graduating students have plans for their future

For more information… Student Experience in Research University (SERU) results: (sortable by college and major) Graduation Exit Survey: Student Affairs: Contact Dr. Jeanna Mastrodicasa, , 155 Tigert Hall