Happy Friday, May 31 st 2013 Today we will review what we learned about sexuality on Wednesday, and begin a new lesson in Male and Female Anatomy.
Definitions: Gender: male or female Sex Role: A behavior people assume or are expected to assume because of their gender. Sexism: Discrimination based on a belief that does not allow for individual differences.
Now examine your Gender Lists Identify and circle things on the list that are biologically out of our control. Identify and underline items on the lists that are related to sex roles. Identify the remaining items that are related to sexism.
Reflection Question? 1. How have gender roles and sexism changed over time? 2. Do different societies have different gender roles?
Conclusion Although there are many differences between males and females, we are much more alike than we would often like to believe. Where differences do exist, they are often the result of societal expectation and are, consequently, subject to change. Those differences that lead to the unfair treatment of people of either sex, that keep people from being free and able to live up to their full potential, SHOULD be changed. A way to begin making these changes is simply to be aware of sexism, to examine our own prejudices and to personally strive to treat everyone fairly.
Human Sexuality Lesson 2 You will develop the knowledge base about the human reproductive system in the male and female. Objectives Identify the structure and function of the female reproductive system. Identify the structure and function of the male reproductive system.
After today: You must know and understand how the reproductive systems work before diving deeper into the topic of sexuality. Many of you have already had sexuality in middle school, but it is necessary to review and broaden your knowledge base.
After today: You will know the correct terms for the different parts of the male and female anatomy, therefore you will be expected to use this knowledge on future assignments.
Notes-Male Physiology: The functions of these organs are to produce, store and deliver sperm for the purpose of reproduction, and to share in sexual intimacy with one’s partner.
Notes-Female Physiology: The functions of these organs are to produce and provide a mature ovum (egg) on a a regular basis to the fertility process, and to share in sexual intimacy with one’s partner.
Male and Female diagram worksheets: Try to identify and label as many of the reproductive parts as you can. Try your hardest, then after 15 minutes, we will review the diagrams.
Lesson 2 and 3, Human Development Identify the structure and function of the female reproductive system and Identify the structure and function of the male reproductive system. Wednesday, June 5 th 2013
Announcements: Monday the 10 th : Conclude Growth and Development. Study Guides are passed out. Assign foods and goods for potluck. Wednesday the 12 th : Potluck Friday the 14 th : Final
Human Reproductive Process How is the Ovum (egg) fertilized? During Sexual Intercourse: The erect penis is placed into the vagina. Once the male ejaculates, millions of sperm make their way up into the uterus and fallopian tubes. When one of the millions of sperm find the egg and fertilizes it, this is when pregnancy officially begins.
Male and Female Reproductive Readings and Worksheets You will have minutes to finish these, then we will correct them in class.
We will now correct the worksheets, and you will turn these into me as your exit task. If you were absent on Monday or did not finish, they are homework and are due Friday.