SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Operated for NASA by AURA COS TAGFLASH System Requirements Review CALCOS Requirements Philip E Hodge 14 December 2005
COS TAGFLASH SRR Phil Hodge December 14, 2005CALCOS Requirements Space Telescope Science Institute 2 of 6 Keywords Requirement 15. CALCOS shall be informed of – TIMETAG mode type (flash or not) – Planned number of flashes – Planned start time of each flash – Planned duration of each flash Requirement 16. CALCOS shall determine and report the – Actual start time of each flash – Actual duration of each flash – Actual time of median photon event for each flash
COS TAGFLASH SRR Phil Hodge December 14, 2005CALCOS Requirements Space Telescope Science Institute 3 of 6 Update Keywords Read nominal times and durations of flashes from input header Use count rate in wavecal region to determine actual start time, end time, and median time of each flash – – A separate program currently exists that will find the start time and end time of each flash Update keywords in header of _corrtag table with actual values Use median time as time of flash
COS TAGFLASH SRR Phil Hodge December 14, 2005CALCOS Requirements Space Telescope Science Institute 4 of 6 Determine the Drift Requirement 13. CALCOS shall incorporate an OSM drift- compensation algorithm that utilizes TAGFLASH lamp flash information to correct science data for OSM drift in each TAGFLASH exposure Locate the lamp spectrum in the cross-dispersion direction Extract a 1-D spectrum for each flash Cross correlate 1-D spectra with template to find offsets of flashes in dispersion direction Compute coefficients for linear interpolation of drift as a function of time
COS TAGFLASH SRR Phil Hodge December 14, 2005CALCOS Requirements Space Telescope Science Institute 5 of 6 Apply Corrections Requirement 14. CALCOS shall include the derived OSM-drift corrections in the output _corrtag list and subsequently output extracted spectrum reduced data files For TAGFLASH exposures: – Compute corrected pixel coordinates, save in new columns in _corrtag table; values in other columns not affected – _flt image created from wavecal-corrected pixel coordinates; image would otherwise be smeared For conventional wavecals: – _flt image created from uncorrected pixel coordinates – Correction is applied to science data by adjusting the wavelength array for the extracted spectrum
COS TAGFLASH SRR Phil Hodge December 14, 2005CALCOS Requirements Space Telescope Science Institute 6 of 6 Save Flash Spectra Requirement 17. CALCOS shall extract the individual flash spectra and output them as separate data products 1-D flash spectra are extracted directly from events table, in contrast to science spectra, which are extracted from _flt image Spectra are written to _lampflash table, one row per flash, using a format similar to _x1d table – Count rate array extracted from uncorrected pixel coordinates – Wavelength array includes drift correction