Pro–Op Process Optimization Review How can we get as much product, produced at the wellhead, to the sales meter? PRO-OP Concept PRO-OP – a systematic approach to increase production efficiencies and profitability through evaluating process components whereby methane emissions are reduced on a cost effective basis. Sales Meter 100 units
HPLP FLASHFLASH CONTACTORCONTACTOR TESTTEST Oil Treating Water Handling OIL SURGE/STORAGE TANK Sales Meter 100 units Pro–Op Process Optimization Review ENGINE COMP 100 units
HP LP FLASHFLASH TESTTEST Oil Treating Water Handling OIL SURGE/STORAGE TANK Sales Point ENGINE COMP Pro – Op Process Optimization Review Similar to a Process Hazards Review Follow process flow Identify opportunities Process
HP LP FLASHFLASH TESTTEST Oil Treating Water Handling OIL SURGE/STORAGE TANK Sales Point ENGINE COMP Optimization Techniques
HP LP FLASHFLASH TESTTEST Oil Treating Water Handling OIL SURGE/STORAGE TANK Sales Point ENGINE COMP Non – Optimized Facility
HP LP FLASHFLASH TESTTEST Oil Treating Water Handling OIL SURGE/STORAGE TANK Sales Point ENGINE COMP Optimization Techniques
HP LP FLASHFLASH TESTTEST Oil Treating Water Handling OIL SURGE/STORAGE TANK Sales Point ENGINE COMP Before and After Optimization
HP LP FLASHFLASH TESTTEST Oil Treating Water Handling OIL SURGE/STORAGE TANK Sales Point ENGINE COMP Optimization Techniques
HP LP FLASHFLASH TESTTEST Oil Treating Water Handling OIL SURGE/STORAGE TANK Sales Point ENGINE COMP CONTACTORCONTACTOR Use PRO-OP on new facility designs Prepare optimization template Prepare and conduct field training Use PRO-Op on existing facilities Increase Profitability and report methane reductions to EPA Natural Gas Star Program Conclusion