Overview of the LHC Year End Technical Stop


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of the LHC Year End Technical Stop 2015-2016 Marzia Bernardini on behalf of Maria Barberan, Estrella Vergara and all the participants to the LHC YETS coordination meetings 17th November 2015

Summary “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Malcolm X Introduction and Methodology Frame: CV, CRG, RP, Powering tests Access constraints Main changes in LHC: Projects and Consolidations Critical resources Activities related to Experiments Schedule Conclusions

What about YETS ? EDMS 1470895

Methodology Coordination meetings are organised since September 2015 to prepare the YETS Indico: https://indico.cern.ch/category/7197/ The Groups and the Experiments presented the activities to be performed during the YETS (Maintenance, Consolidation and Projects) The activities related to Experiments were presented and approved during the TREX on 5th November A detailed schedule exists, including all the activities declared during the coordination meetings; it will be finalised by end of November The details of powering tests are being studied, and they depend on the modifications realised during YETS The activity of BE-CO are not yet integrated

Frame Introduction and Methodology Frame: CV, CRG, RP, Powering tests Access constraints Main changes in LHC: Projects and Consolidations Critical resources Activities related to Experiments Schedule Conclusions

CV maintenance – main dates (LHC & Experiments) The frame Cooling & Ventilation 3 weeks of stop for the SF, SU, UW (Mechanical cleaning of the cooling towers, Mechanical and electrical maintenance, Bugs fixing) Intervention mostly on the surface, but also underground (US and UA) on the air handling units ELQA investigations of the earth fault on the circuit RCS.A78B2 UPS TESTS on the whole machine Activity approved during the LMC on 11th November The tests can be done only after the cryo start Powering conditions are needed from the 2nd March (circuits unlocked, CV and CRG in nominal conditions) POWERING TESTS (4 days) & COLD CHECK OUT (3 days) LHC points Stop Restart Point 1 16th of Dec.15 19th of Jan.16 Point 18 tbd Point 2 1st of Feb.16 19th of Feb.16 Point 3 22th of Feb.16 26th of Feb.16 Point 4 11th of Jan.16 29th of Jan.16 Point 5 14th of Dec.15 15th of Jan.16 Point 6 Point 7 22th of Feb. 16 Point 8 CV maintenance – main dates (LHC & Experiments)

CRG, example of main sequence of activity for the YETS The frame Cryogenics  details in Dimitri’s talk The maintenance is needed on all cryoplants. Heavier maintenance and consolidation are needed in IP4 (A) & IP6 (A), heavy corrective maintenance (repairs) is needed in IP8 (B) Cryostart / cryomaintain until 14 Dec (start of YETS) The week 51 is dedicated to the stabilisation of the cryo conditions for the YETS IP8 is needed asap to perform ELQA in sector 78 (investigations on the short to ground in sector 78) IP4 is needed before 22nd of February to allow the RF conditioning (4wks requested, but only 3 wks available) The operational BASELINE is to keep the Helium in the arcs, the magnets will be filled with LHe in cold standby at 3.5 K – 4 K The LSSs will be in GHe at 20 K. The DFBs will be empty with the current leads in cold standby The last cryostart will be back on 4 March (earlier in IP8 & IP4) CRG, example of main sequence of activity for the YETS

Courtesy C. Tromel DGS-RP

The frame

Access Constraints Introduction and Methodology Frame: CV, CRG, RP, Powering tests Access constraints Main changes in LHC: Projects and Consolidations Critical resources Activities related to Experiments Schedule Conclusions

Access constraints EN-EL The following tests will be realised: AUG tests on the whole LHC machine, Meyrin, Prevessin, NA, … The annual test of the electrical backup network (CERN wide) The Auto-transfert test (LHC, Meyrin, PS, PSB, …) GS-ASE Annual tests of alarms: sirens, ODHs and evacuation alarms on the whole LHC machine & Experiments During the tests above, there is no access in the machine, underground & surface The tests will be performed mainly during the Christmas Break and the week ends The DSO test is scheduled on Friday 26th February

Access constraints

Automatism & Circuit Breaker Access constraints EDMS: 1544142 LHC1 + ATLAS 25th January PM18 12th February LHC2 + ALICE 9th February LHC3 5th February BA80 23rd February LHC4 6th January BA81 24th February LHC5 + CMS 5th January BA82 + 85 25th February LHC6 14th January LHC7 15th January BA6 11th February LHC8 + LHCb 7th January Test AUG Test Secours (10min) All points on 17th December (7am) Works on the Automatism & Circuit Breaker LHC5 + CMS 21st – 24th December Auto Transfer Test Previous & final works from 28th January until 1st February (access possible) No access LHC1 + ATLAS + LHC18 + SPS6 + SPS7 on 30th January (Saturday) LHC1 31st December LHC5 30th December LHC2 24th December LHC6 23rd December LHC3 28th December LHC7 21st December LHC4 9th December LHC8 22nd December Safety Test

Projects and Consolidations Introduction Methodology Frame: CV, CRG, RP, Powering tests Access constraints Main changes in LHC: Projects and Consolidations Critical resources Activities related to Experiments Schedule Conclusions “ Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford.

5th Axis Collimators EDMS LHC-TC-EC-0004 Activity on the critical path 12 Collimators will be removed and re-installed in LSS1 and in LSS5 The vacuum Layout will be modified, to recover the TCTP collimators’ 5th axis translation Due to RP issue, the activity can only start on 4th January It is a joint project between EN-STI and TE-VSC The support is needed from BE-BI, EN-EL, DGS-RP, EN-HE, EN-MEF-SU Several visits have been performed during the TS2 and TS3 TCTPV. 4R1.B2 TCTPV. 4L5.B1 3D integration view 4L1

TDI replacement Activity on the critical path  details in Antonio’s talk Waiting for Engineering Change Request and Engineering Specification Minor contingency included in the Baseline Support needed from TE-VSC, EN-HE, EN-MEF-SU Several visits have been performed during the TS2 and TS3

Beam Instrumentation Installation of the tent in LSS4, to protect the BGV - EDMS LHC-BGV-EC-0004 Provide mechanical protection Protect the detector modules from external light Reduce the air dew point BSRT in LSS4 Modification of the optical calibration line used to align and adjust the BSRT telescope on Beam1 Replacement of existing BSRT tank and components Waiting for an ECR from BE-BI Additional rack needed in RA47, to improve maintenance operations Cabling needed ECR in progress Change of ferrite of the Beam Wire Scanner in LSS4 BGV proposed protection tent Wire scanner and ferrite

Scheduling issues in LSS4 Beam Instrumentation Scheduling issues in LSS4 BSRT The new mirror and other components should arrive for 20th Nov. VSC qualification by 1st Dec (TBC) If VSC can qualify the system in 2 weeks, then everything should be ready for installation by 14th Dec. Change of Ferrite of the BWS Latest news on ferrite delivery is that they will not be at CERN before 11th Jan. Earliest installation date would be the 1st Feb BOTH interventions (BSRT and BWS) can be performed during W51: the vacuum pump down and Neg activation could then be performed at the same time on both sectors All works in LSS4 should be completed by 22nd February to allow RF conditioning TE-VSC: any intervention in January and February depends on the evolution of activities on the critical path (5th axis collimators, …)  answer by mid January   

Machine protection QPS Installation & commissioning of radiation tolerant detection systems for 600 A circuits in RR13,17,53,57,73 and 77 Installation & commissioning of new detection systems for circuits RU.L4 and RU.R4 (‘undulator’). Activity in conjunction with the upgrade of the corresponding current sensors performed by EE team during TS#3 Possible upgrade of the firmware for the nQPS DAQ systems allowing easier recovery from local bus errors (to be confirmed 436 units concerned). Locations: 8 sectors ELQA Study of a possible relocation in point 6 of the CL heater sources and the Proximity Equipment related to a possible displacement of the RQ5.L6 quad. Checking and re-making, if required, the signal transmission line from the DQLCT of B23.L7, heater #1. ELQA investigations of the earth fault on the circuit RCS.A78B2 (near DFB). Decision to be taken by LMC after recommendations by MP3. Following the accident of TS2, the safety procedure is being updated for the YETS UPS tests in all Sectors

Other interventions TE-VSC New Pumping configuration for the Inner Triplet 2L – EDMS LHC-VAZ-EC-0005 Installation of new Racks for the Vacuum Pilot Sector in LSS8L - EDMS LHC-VY-EC-0001 EN-HE: Integration of flood sensors located in the pit of the lifts – EDMS LHC-HHAAS-EC-0001 EN-EL: Cabling campaign to support the projects EN-STI: Replacement of the collimator TCLA.D6L7 (LSS7), following the joint inspection (Survey and STI) performed during TS3 HSE (with the support of CV, CRG , EPC, …) Noise measurement in Point 2, during W51 GS-SE: Cleaning of the drain in UJ32 R2E: Shielding to be installed in the cable ducts between RA and UA, in LSS 6. Waiting for ECR Pumping group to be installed in IT2L Shielding in cable duct

Critical resources Introduction and Methodology Frame: CV, CRG, RP, Powering tests Access constraints Main changes in LHC: Projects and Consolidations Critical resources Activities related to Experiments Schedule Conclusions

Bakeout teams over allocated! Critical Resources VSC (Beam Vacuum) is involved in the following activities: Modification of Vacuum Layout to recover TCT Fifth Axis Translation at IP1 and IP5 Replacement of the TDI in LSS2 and LSS8 Installation of Atlas/AFP station in IP1 Replacement of the TCLA.D6R7 Modifications in the Vacuum pilot sector in IP8 Modification of BSRT in LSS4 Change of ferrite of the Beam Wire Scanner in LSS4 Can be performed only during W51 Bakeout teams over allocated!

Activities related to Experiments Introduction and Methodology Frame: CV, CRG, RP, Powering tests Access constraints Main changes in LHC: Projects and Consolidations Critical resources Activities related to Experiments Schedule Conclusions

Activities related to experiments Point 1 ZDC Removal on W51 AFP RP Stations (LHC-XAFP-EC-0002): Install detectors @ C6R1 The works involve: cabling, drilling, vacuum modifications, commissioning New Water Cooled Cables for ALFA (LHC-LJ-EC-0044) Point 2 Lift replacement PX24 (LHC-HHAAS-EC-0007) Safety procedure to access via PM25 LHC-HHAAS-ES-0003 AFP Roman pot stations @ 205 and 217 m Lift PX24 WCC for ALFA @ RR13 and RR17 ZDC remote system

Activities related to experiments Point 5 ZDC Removal on W51 TOTEM timing detector s. 45 & 56 (LHC-XRP-EC-0012): Installation of TOTEM clock distribution and timing detectors starting on TS3 and progressively on YETS & TSx CT-PPS timing & tracking s. 45 & 56 (LHC-XRP-EC-xxxx): Waiting for an ECR Installation of coax cable for clock distribution  Open issue Installation of detector packages for both tracking and timing starting on YETS and progressively on TSx Main services existing, but new installation of small racks & patch panels LHC beam line for TOTEM: Depending on pressure development the installation of a pump between Q5 and first Roman Pot unit 210 near might be necessary (sector 45 & 56) CT-PPS cabling ZDC: Crane in operation TOTEM timing Detector

Last but not least Maintenance*: RF, Kickers, Vacuum, Alignement, Power converters, and many others… *Included in the detailed schedule: https://espace.cern.ch/en-dep-mef-lpc/YETS2015-2016/Global%20Schedules/Forms/AllItems.aspx

Schedule Introduction and Methodology Frame: CV, CRG, RP, Powering tests Access constraints Main changes in LHC: Projects and Consolidations Critical resources Activities related to Experiments Schedule Conclusions

YETS schedule overview

Conclusions The YETS should be extended by minimum 3 days (until 16th March), to allow the UPS tests in the whole machine The duration of the powering tests, needs to be validated All the works in the LHC machine must be completed by 4th March Four sectors (34, 45, 78 and 81) must be in powering conditions on 2nd March The activities on the critical path are related to: - 5th Axis collimators and its vacuum sectors - the replacement of the TDI The activities related to experiments in LSS5 need to be clarified. The coactivity with the 5th axis collimators could be an issue. The critical resources are identified in the Vacuum team, due to the heavy support needed for the activities on the critical path The baseline scenario (particularly for CRG) will be defined during the tomorrow LMC