Sanitary Sewer Network Generation GPS & GIS Technology For Waste Water Management City Of Richardson, Texas Final GIS Workshop Presentation Uchit Patel Dr. Ronald Briggs / POEC th July 2005
Objectives Generate GIS Sanitary Sewer Network for City of Richardson Taking positions with centimeter level accuracy for Sewer features such as manholes and one way cleanouts using Trimble PRO XRS GPS Edit Network of Sewer System (Main Lines, Lateral Lines etc.) with corrected GPS points of manholes and cleanouts using edit, topology toolbars Perform Flow Management of Sewer System using Utility Network Analyst toolbar for the Rowlett Creek Branch Sewer Basin Perform Surface Analysis and Suitability Analysis for Rowlett Creek Branch Sewer Basin and Suggest Flow Direction
Literature Review Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study Floyd Branch Drainage Area, City Of Richardson, Texas By RJN Group, Inc. Consulting Engineers Dallas, Texas, February 2002 Wastewater Flow Estimating and Planning Tools Using GIS By Dave Bramwell and Devang Parikh – GIS Getting Started, ESRI Developing a Sewer Master Plan Using ArcView GIS By Dr. J.G. Prins and J.D. Rell, HDR Engineering, Inc. & M.J. Madison and C.E. Swimley, City of Stockton - GIS Getting Started, ESRI New GPS/GIS technology help Miami solve water and sanitary issues – Jose Lopez, Miami – Dade Water and Sewer Department & Paul Klimas, Woolpert – GIS Division Mapping System Provides Efficient Sewer Management ESRI News – Spring 2001, Verne La Clair
City of Richardson All Sewage within the Rowlett Creek Sewer Basin eventually flows into the Pump Station which serves as the Sink in the Basin All Sewage except Floyd Branch Sewer Basin eventually flows into the neighbor city’s Treatment Plant
Work to Date Sanitary Sewer Network Generation - Collection of Sanitary Sewer features with GPS - Used Georeferenced As-Built (Civil Engineering) drawings to confirm location of underground features - Sanitary Sewer Network generated for a portion of the city – Rowlett Creek and Floyd Branch Sewer Basins Sanitary Sewer Network Flow Management - Flow Management for Rowlett Creek Branch Sewer Basin using Utility Network Analyst toolbar - Surface Analysis, Suitability Analysis for Rowlett Creek Branch Sewer Basin – Suggest Flow Direction
GPS Equipment Used GPS Pathfinder Power Receiver GPS Pathfinder Office Pro XRS Terra Sync Software Antennae Receiver
Methodology Field Data Collection - Option – 1 Using ArcPad 6, Disconnected Editing, ArcGIS ArcPad not installed on GPS - Need As-Builts for final edits and Pipe verification - Prefer to do edits in office rather than in the field to speed up data collection Disconnected EditingTool ArcPad Tool
Option – 2 Using Terra Sync Software (Option Selected) - Use Terra Sync Software that comes with Trimble GPS to collect data Points - Use GPS Pathfinder Office 2.9 to export data to Shapefile
Data Preparation GPS Progress to Date
GPS Collected Points Vs Existing Points Existing CleanOut GPS Collected CleanOut
Data Edits Correcting Sewer Network using the following Data Sources - Georeferenced As-Builts (Civil Engineering Drawings) - GPS collected Data, Old Network
Editing Transfer Tool Use of Editing Transfer Tool - Attribute Transfer Mapping - Used to add additional attribute data collected by GPS
Network A network is a connected set of edges and junctions through which elements (water, electricity, etc.) may flow. Sources and sinks drive flow through a utility network: Sources are junction features that push flow away from themselves through the edges of a network (Ex. pump station in a water network- water driven through pumps away from pump station) Sinks are junction features that pull flow toward themselves from the edges in a network (Ex. mouth of river in a river network – gravity drives all water towards it) Network with Sources: Network with Sinks: Network with Sources & Sinks: Should not have both sources and sinks. Have multiple possible outcomes.
Initial Data No Geometric Network Sanitary Sewer not “snapped” Geometric Network Generation
Network Flow Determinate FlowIndeterminate Flow Uninitialized Flow
Current Status Network functioning overall - Almost all features snapped - Majority of Flow is Determinate - Indeterminate Flow where natural loops or parallel pipes exist - Uninitialized Flow in a few areas where have not yet found As-Built linking Continue Editing Problematic areas
Surface Analysis Why? Sanitary Sewer Network of City is generated before years ago. There is a rapid growth in population and industries in past years. So, it is required to enhance flow management in some area Data edits in Rowlett Creek Sewer Basin is completed so, I choose this area first for flow management and suggest some changes in flow direction based on the suitability analysis I have chosen two factors for Suitability Analysis Aspect Data of DEM LandUse
Surface Analysis DEM Source : NCTCOG
Slope & Contour Map
Aspect Map
Suitability Analysis Reclassify - Aspect Reclassify - Landuse Industrial, Residential Land – More Suitable South, South East, East – More Suitable
Suitability Analysis - Results Addition of Factors WLC
Flow Direction ArcObject’s Developer’s Samples Current Flow Vs Suggested New Flow Direction
Further Work Network Tracing for Rowlett Creek Branch Sewer Basin Continue collecting GPS data of sewer features for rest of the City Continue editing network using collected GPS data and As-Builts Perform Flow Management for rest of the Sewer Basins Improvements Use of Census Data and calculate increase in population (growth) is useful in calculating flow estimation
Major Improvements (Planning) Inflow & Infiltration Study and Analysis for - Infiltration Removal - Inflow Removal - Line Rehabilitation Steps - Field Inspection Manhole Inspection to determine inflow and infiltration defect Smoke Testing to determine inflow defects Dye Testing to determine inflow defects TV inspection to determine inflow infiltration defects - Generate Attribute information - Integrate into GIS
Inflow/Infiltration (Manhole Attributes) Location & Identification Number Potential for ponding on manhole cover Cover type, fit, description, segment length, distance above or below grade, evidence of inflow. Frame adjustment, seal, evidence of inflow Corbel construction, condition, evidence of inflow Wall construction, condition, evidence of infiltration Bench/trough construction, condition, deposition, evidence of infiltration Pipe seal condition, evidence of infiltration Step conditions Manhole inside diameter Surcharging or evidence of surcharging Indication of groundwater level
Sample Field Book for Inflow Infiltration Analysis
Joining Attributes Tables
Expected Analysis Parcel Areas that could be affected by severe pondingParcel Areas that could be affected by severe ponding Manholes with larger or lesser ponding areas atManholes with larger or lesser ponding areas at Paved Easement, gutter, grass Easement Corbel materials made with bricks,Material Analysis - Corbel materials made with bricks, precast and poured Analysis should be done to compare the changes over time of the shape of the manholes and cleanouts
References City of Edmontan, GIS Division Miami – Dade Water and Sewer Department
Thank You