Nitrogen Cycle By Nathan McClurg and Joey Andrada
Key Terms Denitrification –removal of nitrogen or nitrogen compounds –Conversion of nitrogen to gaseous form
Precipitation Process of rain, sleet, snow, hail, etc.
Ammonium Form of nitrogen contained in fertilizer generated in soil by breakdown of organic matter NH4
Mineralization Organic compounds to inorganic compounds (Organic) Dead plant, animal material (Inorganic) nitrates, carbon dioxide
Nitrates Found in plant nutrient and fertilizer Animal feed, manures, and sewage
Nitrites NO2 Converted from free ammonia Harmful at any level Converts into nitrates
Amount of Nitrogen 78.08% in atmosphere 79% bound nitrogen in lithosphere Mass of nitrogen 20,000,000,000,000 tons in hydrosphere 80% in biosphere
Ecological Impact About 90% of the soil Denitrification decreases fertility of plants High concentrates of nitrates are toxic Without Denitrification life would not be possible except near large bodies of water
Biological Impact Health effects of nitrogen Environmental effects of nitrogen
Bibliography _education/Glossary/ 12_education/Glossary/Glossary.htm ne.html and-water.htmhttp:// and-water.htm
Hyperlinks to Images ges_Categories&country=USA&kw=usa+nature_picturehttp:// ges_Categories&country=USA&kw=usa+nature_picture gencycle.jpg&imgrefurl= sz=186&hl=en&start=7&um=1&usg=__aDebNgM_WXcI0zJSF0Z7mXAz- iw=&tbnid=SoJ4GhLez3nuPM:&tbnh=140&tbnw=140&prev=/images%3Fq%3DNitrogen%2BCycle )/slides/Rocky%20Forest%20Path.htmlhttp:// )/slides/Rocky%20Forest%20Path.html