By the end of the lesson the student should be able to: *Giving apolit commands. *Express like&dislike. *Express his feelings according to the topic..*Know different kind of foods
*Group work *Role play *Problem solving
*Student book *board
Class* pens and pencils* Notebook* Colures* forks* Dishes* Paper* Glue* scissors* real food *
What's your favouirt food?*
I draw some picture to learn the new vocabulary.Then I ask them What’s this? I lesson to there answer to present akind of food.Talking about how to ask apolite command in a restaurant
Practice Student open their book and repeat the new words and phrases Are you hungry?* Yes,I am Are you finished? No,not yet
*Do you like rice? Are you hungry?
What’s this? Do you like pizza?.. …………… ……….. …………