What jobs do the tailor, the cobbler, and the barber do? Question of the day
Challenging word snatched My brother snatched the cell phone from me.
Reading Vocabulary boombusinesscoinsfetched laundrymendingpickskillet spellbustlenuggetsprospector
Complete with a vocabulary word 1.-A shovel and a boom – pick are mining tools. 2.-My arm is in a cast because the bone is mending – prospector.
Frecuently Misspelled Words a lot Christmas were said 1.-Mom takes a lot of time when she gets ready for a party. 2.-I love the way the house looks during Christmas. 3.-Were you in the school play? 4.-Valeria said I looked pretty with my new dress. then and with was
Irregular Verbs comecamecomecoming dodiddonedoing eatateeateneating feelfelt feeling forgetforgotforgottenforgetting
Homonyms 1.- rich:having a lot of money food with lots of sugar or fat 2.- hardsolid and toughdifficult 3.- pincha tiny bit (of salt)to squeeze flesh 4.- storea place that sells goods to save
Fix it 1.-My shoes was under the bed 2.- Yesterday we go to the cercus.