When I wake up Christmas morning I love it. I always used to go next door because my mammaw lived beside us and I went and got her to some over. I miss her so much cause we had to move away from Lincoln county. Then she was getting to old so we had her to move in with us. This Christmas make almost two year she has been in the hospital for a while. My mom had rights over her but my mom let my mom take them over cause my aunt was a nurse and she knew what to tell the doctor what was right for her.
When I was 6 years old my dads mom my other mamaw bought me a brand new gun. I loved that gun to death even though I couldn’t shoot it at that age. Them kind of guns are expensive and they kick really bad. My dad told her said he cant shoot that she said he will be able to when he get about 13. So when I got thirteen I started using it and still have it. That gun is getting really old and my papaw is dying for it> I don’t think Christmas is all about gifts like most people does long as we have a dinner and the family gets together. That’s all I really care cause its jesuses birthday.
Every Christmas my little sister thing she has to have everything and my mom want get one more than the other she makes sure everyone has the same amount of presents. I try to explain to my little sister its not just about presents its about family. To be honest ill be happy with just one present. My little brother don’t car either he just like to see Santa clause. My little sister was scared to death of him. Now she don’t care now. He used to come and see kids from house to house but now he doesn’t.
Christmas I look forward to it. I told my dad this Christmas that he didn’t have to get me that much. Just as long as my brother and sister has a good Christmas is ill I care about. But he told me that he wasn’t getting them a lot of presents and then not get me none. He said we all would get a lot. But I don’t know why but I love to hang Christmas lights. Me and my dad do it every year. But this year it was hard cause we couldn’t find our ladder. But we finally found it and out them up.
If my dad sometimes has a problem getting us a lot for christmas he gets it for us after christmas. He makes it up to us cause he feels bad. Around christmas time very year he stresses out cause he is afraid we wont like what him and my mom get us. My mom does most of the shopping around the house. My mom knows what I enjoy doing and she know what I want all the time basically.