Evaluation Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Preliminary Exercise This was the front cover and content s page for my preliminary exercise that we had to produce for a school magazine making the magazine look as though it was suitable for the appropriate genre and that all the aspects linked to the preliminary task specifications. For the preliminary task we had to take our photographs that were linked to the genre and the headlines of the magazine. The preliminary task was a way in which I was able to experiment with the technologies to see what we could and couldn’t for example when using Photoshop to edit the photographs. When doing the preliminary exercise I had minimal knowledge of the technologies and throughout the process of been able to use them in the preliminary has abled me to gain knowledge of how to use them more efficiently. This is part of the coursework when we can get top test out the software and play around with it and gain more knowledge that we can then use in our actual production.
Production Exercise Front Cover Contents Page Double Page Spread
Progression In Technologies At the beginning of the course when making my preliminary task which was making a front cover for a school magazine and planning the layout of the contents page. My knowledge of the technologies that we were provided to use for the preliminary task and the production exercise was not as profound as it is know. I believe that my knowledge and progression in the technologies have increased gradually throughout the course and I now believe that my knowledge is much more developed that it was at the beginning. During the construction of the product I have learnt how to edit my photographs to make them look more professional and I have learnt on how not to over edit them as it makes the photographs look unprofessional and would have given the magazine an amateur look resulting in a lower grade as the brief states that using ICT appropriately for the task set. Through the editing of photographs I have learnt how to change the composure, lighting and effect of the photographs allowing certain aspects to be highlighted and making the photographs look more professional. As well as editing the photographs, I have also learnt on how to use a new piece od technology that we had to make or final production on was InDesign. As at the beginning of the course I had not used InDesign and I believe I have learnt more than the basics and was able to learn how make my production exercise in InDesign.
Progression from preliminary task to production exercise The progression from the preliminary task to production exercise has been enabled through the progression of my own skills in the specific technology, as well as through the research and planning which provided me with a wider knowledge, further allowing me to develop my work. The preliminary exercise allowed me to test out the software and play around with it and gain more knowledge that I can then use in our actual production. This enabled me to get the basics of the technology and then was able to improve the basics enabling me to edit the photographs professionally for the production exercise. The progression from the preliminary exercise to the production exercise was on how professional they looked. As the planning and research helped to make the production exercise look more professional as I had to research into similar products; analysis of front covers, contents pages and double page spreads from a selection of music magazines. The progression in my skill of using the technologies has advanced since the preliminary exercise, as in my production exercise I have been able to edit my photographs more professionally that I did in the photographs for my preliminary exercise.