INFSO-RI Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Работы в проекте EGEE по направлению NA3 Е. Слабоспицкая ИФВЭ
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI RDIG NA3 партнеры Российские партнеры в NA3 коллективно известны как RDIG : ( Russian Data Intensive GRID) RDIG NA3 включает: ИФВЭ (Протвино) {41}, ИМПБ РАН (Пущино){42}, ИТЭФ (Москва) {43}, ОИЯИ (Дубна) {44}, ПИЯФ (Гатчина) {46}, РНЦ КИ (Москва) {47}
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Ответственные от NA3 партнеров 41 IHEP Elena Slabospitskaya 42 IMPB RAS Aleksandr Zaitsev 43 ITEP Valery Kirichenko 44 JINR Nikolaj Zaikin 46 PNPI Eugeny Novodvorsky 47 RRC KI Evgeni Riabinkine
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Event Type: Introduction and Induction Course PartnerY1/Q1Y1/Q2Y1/Q3Y1/Q4Y2/Q1Y2/Q2Y2/Q3Y2/Q [1] IHEP+ JIINR 2 [ 1] PNPI,, IMPB RAS 5 [1] IHEP, IMPB RAS, ITEP, PNPI- 2 1[1] IHEP+ RRC KI +JINR 1 [1] IMPB RAS+ JIINR [1] IMPB RAS [1] ITEP [1] ITEP Introduction and Induction Courses
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Application Development Courses Event Type: Application Developer Training Course PartnerY1/Q1Y1/Q 2 Y1/Q3Y1/Q4Y2/Q1Y2/Q2Y2/Q3Y2/Q [1] IHEP + JINR [1] PNPI [1] IHEP [1] JINR [1] PNPI [1] IHEP
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Event Type: Technical Activity Retreats Courses PartnerY1/Q1Y1/Q2Y1/Q3Y1/Q4Y2/Q1Y2/Q2Y2/Q3Y2/Q [1] IHEP [1] JINR Technical Activity Retreats Courses [1] PNPI [1] RRC KI [1] RRC KI [1] JINR
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI First RDIG Induction Courses First Induction Courses (June 28, 2004) были проведены в Дубне (ИФВЭ и ОИЯИ) Induction Course Курсы были проведены перед Первой Российской конференцией по Гриду. Участвовало 78 чел. из 6 стран –специалисты в области физики, биологии и химии
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Second and Third Induction Courses Second Induction Courses were in Gatchina at Sept. 10 / 2004 (PNPI, St-Petersburg region) 32 persons took place in this event - from different physics institutes of Peterburg and Peterburg region Third Induction Courses were in Puschino at Sept. 16 / 2004 (IMPB RAS, Moscow region) 15 persons were on this Courses from numerous biological institutes
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Actual Russian Inputs to NeSC repository PNPI(46) has installed gLite User Interface and are going to present practical examples at his Induction Courses (December 20,22, 2004). (see events at IHEP (41) will be holding a RDIG workshop in Protvino (January 17-19, 2005). Na3 Induction Courses with review about gLite architecture (presentation will be in English) (see
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI St-Petersburg Induction Courses Санкт-Петербург, 20 и 22 декабря 2004 Обучающие курсы
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Application Developers Courses декабря 2004, Курсы разработчиков приложений в среде Grid “Introduction to Grid Services” ИФВЭ + OИЯИ
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Other Russian Actions 1. Prepare and maintenance the training infrastructure – specialised grid clusters for tutorials (IHEP, JINR,ITEP IMPB RAS, PNPI, RRC KI 2. Organization of core trainers team for Russian Federation has finished. The team consists of representatives from some Russian institutes 3. Produce initial training and course materials for the EGEE-RDIG internal Introduction and Induction Courses in Russian- IHEP, JINR,PNPI, ITEP,IMPB RAS, RRC KI 4. Prepare and maintain the NA3 web pages within the RDIG web portal JINR with the participation of other institutes
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Курсы для грид-администраторов 17 января 2005 Протвино
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Проблемы Необходим централизованный кластер для обучения gLite Регулярное обучение тренеров как в России, так и на зарубежных курсах – для оценки тематики курсов и возможности самим их читать Участие в конференциях лиц, ответственных по институтам за обучение
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Информация о курсах