Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07 Status of Tokyo LCG Tier 2 Center for ATLAS Hiroshi Sakamoto International Center for.


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Presentation transcript:

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07 Status of Tokyo LCG Tier 2 Center for ATLAS Hiroshi Sakamoto International Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP) The University of Tokyo

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07 Contents FabricNetwork Service Challenge/Atlas CSC Atlas Analysis Structure inside Japan Resource Plan Update

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07

Disk Arrays PC Servers Tape Robot

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07

T1-T2 関係 R. Jones

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07

Tokyo-Taipei Small round trip time (RTT) ~60ms Relatively limited bandwidth ~620Mbps

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07 Tokyo-Lyon Very large RTT ~300ms Enough bandwidth ~10Gbps Limited at end point ~1Gbps Many hops

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07 TCP Tuning Kernel 2.6 TCP Congestion Control TCP Reno BIC TCP +PSPacer Precision Software Pacer From AIST GridTCP project

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07 Atlas Computing System Commissioning

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07 : 1G to 10G : Edge node (w/ edge L2 SW) : Core node (w/ core L2 SW + IP router) : 10G to 40G Edge L2 Switch Core SINET3 IP Router Core Layer Edge Layer :L1(dedicated):L3(IP):L2(Ethernet) Ethernet I/Fs Sinet3: New Japanese Academic Network Infrastructure

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07 Atlas Analysis Structure In Japan Use Tokyo Tier2 for user analysis No grid sites for Atlas Japan under Tokyo for a while For each institute Install UI using TAR_UI Site-info.def looks at Tokyo Tutorial for Japanese users Installing UI and Atlas software Usage of gLite and Atlas release

Status of Tokyo LCG tier-2 center for atlas / H. Sakamoto / ISGC07 Resource Plan Update Japan, ICEPP, Tokyo Pledged Planned to be pledged CPU (kSI2k) Disk (Tbytes) Nominal WAN (Mbits/sec) Original Updated Plan Major upgrade in 2010Atlas requirements: 100kSI2k – 42TB