Thank you for attending this meeting. We want to inform you about the year one curriculum and the daily routine.
Mrs Toller Learning support assistant Mrs Gillespie Class Teacher Mrs McPaul Class Teacher
Miss Smith Class Teacher Mrs Cummins Learning support assistant Mrs Bate Learning support assistant Miss Orr Class Teacher
At Greenbank the staff’s first concern is that the children are very happy, and that we cater for their social and emotional needs. The school is also very fortunate to have: A Welfare/School Councillor/First Aid Assistant: Mrs Garnett
The bell will ring at 8.50am School finishes at 3.15pm We cannot stress the importance of arriving on time in school. A child’s attitude to school is formed very early and therefore arriving on time is very important. It is also important for your child to be picked up on time.
At 8.50 each morning the bell will ring. Please say goodbye to your child at the gate to the fenced play area. Your child will be greeted each morning by Mrs Toller, Mrs Bate or Mrs Cummins, who will pass any messages on to the class teacher. If you wish to talk with your class teacher please make a time to see them after school.
The children should wear school uniform, including the school sweatshirt and sensible black shoes that they can fasten. Please ensure everything is fully labelled. Every child needs a labelled PE bag to be kept in school. Jewellery is not allowed at school, apart from a pair of small stud earrings.
Please bring in a bottle of water for your child, with their name on. We will send this home at the end of each day.
The children will take a book every day. Your child needs to bring in their book bag every day! All children will be reading a guided reading book once a week. This is a special book read with the class teacher, these books are kept in school. Every day your child will also take home a book of their choice from the selection of ‘home readers’. The children will be able to read these books independently. All children will also bring home an individual reading book that they will have read with an adult at school, every week. It is important that you read this with your child at home. This is known to have a positive effect on children's reading skills. Please make a short comment or sign to show that you’ve listened to your child read the book.
Literacy unites the important skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. The children will join in a daily literacy lesson in which your child will have lots of fun continuing to learn literacy skills. The lesson will have an input, group work and a time to evaluate work.
Your child will take part in a daily Sounds Write session. They will have lots of fun playing games to help them split up words and blend them back together.
Every day your child will take part in a numeracy lesson. Lessons will include whole class work, teaching input maths games and activities.
Continuing on from Reception class the children will still have the opportunity to choose some of their activities and choose different areas in which to learn. We will have a library, construction area, small world area, creative area, role play area, writing area, maths and literacy table.
In the afternoon year one become either science detectives, historians, geographers, musicians or artists.
PE is really important, and the children will experience a range of PE activities. As a multi-ethnic, multi-faith school we value diversity and celebrate many religions during Religious Education.
At Greenbank we pride ourselves on caring for the child as an individual. We have circle time known as SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural).
!! A specialist Spanish teacher will work with each class once a week.
We value the importance of parent helpers and would appreciate any help in school especially reading support and any other talents you may wish to share e.g. musician, artists, cookery, scientists or any religious/cultural input.
We hope your child has a wonderful year in either 1SO or 1GM. Thank you for listening.