I love writing, it is one of my favorite subjects. I think I am good at writing because I put hard work and effort into my writing pieces. One of my favorite parts of writing is the free writes about your weekend.
Spelling is one subject that I am really good at. I usually get most of my words right, even the challenge words!! I think it is really fun too! I also think it is really helpful! ;D
For a fifth grader, it hink I have a good reading level.. My level is a V My Favprite book is probably… “Dork Diaries” because it is really funny and realistic. My favorite character is of course Nikki Banlevi because she causes almost all the trouble!
Science is one of my favorite subjects because we get to work on awesome experiments like salt and vineger and citric acid with vinegar. it is really fun but sometimes I have to work on my reports better…
I think social studies is not really… that interesting… I mean, I know a lot of stuff about history.. I wouldn’t say this is my favorite subject.. And i think I could do a little better on my reports, but I still do better than I think ;D
I can say, music is probably my favorite special ever! I love singing and acting and dancing to awesome songs! But I think I could a little better on my monologue, I should’ve practiced more I did not even get an acting piece , but look on the brightside! I got a solo!!!!! ;D
P.E is kinda fun, I love all the fun games we play. I like them cause they are good for your body and fun at the same time! My favorite part is probably the jump rope for heart association because it is fun and it helps other people survive heart diseases
I really like art and I think I am really good at it. I love all our projects and how the fifth grade ones are really fun, and hard! ;) But I think we should change how when sometimes our class misses some of our projects and the other classes get to do them :’(
I like Spanish, it is really fun learning how to speak a different language and being able to talk to someone in a different language! But one thing I think we should change is that out Spanish teacher teaches us Spanish, but not a lot. He sometimes tells stories or projects that don’t have to do with Spanish
foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr……………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………… WWWWWWWWWWWWWWaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaatttttttttttching ;P lolz ;p tehe