Transformational Leadership Howard Shultz
“One of the fundamental aspects of leadership, I realized more and more, is the ability to instill confidence in others when you yourself are feeling insecure” -Howard Shultz Individualized consideration. Howard Shultz believes in the people that work for him and encourages them to be brave and think differently. He never knew his concept would become so wildly successful but always put his team first and himself second.
“I believe life is a series of near misses. A lot of what we ascribe to luck is not luck at all. It is seizing the day and accepting responsibility for your future. It’s seeing what other people don’t see and pursuing that vision” -Howard Shultz Intellectual Stimulation. Howard Shultz thinks differently and seeks innovation and new ideas. He encourages and motivates his team to seize the day and make great changes.
If Howard Shultz gave up after being turned down by the banks 342 times, there would be no Starbucks Idealized Influence. Howard Shultz’s motivation and dedication can be seen and admired in almost any town across America. He set an amazing example of perseverance which can prove to anyone how far hard work and a great idea can take you. His behavior towards life is great for his followers to emulate and it encourages them to dream big.
Dream more than others think practical. Expect more then others think possible. Care more then others think wise. -Howard Shultz Inspirational Motivation. Howard Shultz motivates and inspires others by telling them to go above and beyond and really do things outside the norm. His charisma and character as well as his success make him a great leader to look up to
Howard Shultz is a transformational leader because he wasn’t afraid to try something new, he never gave up and he instilled feeling in the people around him. He was centered on the idea that a business should focus on the way it makes people feel and that will get people to come back, not simply the product they sell. Starbucks has an amazing brand equity and people go there not only for coffee but for the experience and emotional connection they have to their personalized and hand crafted Starbucks beverage.