Mrs, Kirchgessner – Principal
Mrs. Roth – Art Teacher
Mr. Hearn – Music Teacher
Ms. Kelley – Librarian
Senor Martin – Spanish Teacher
Coach Jander & Coach Prange – PE Coaches
Mr. Woolfolk – Custodian
Nurse Lent – School Nurse
Mrs. Brown – Technology Coach
Mrs. Arnold – Counselor
Mrs. Dunkle & Mrs. Rowe – Office Staff
Area- Specific Student Expectations There are three expectations: control your body, control your voice, and do your work. Check out the matrix on page 41 and 42 of the school handbook so you can reinforce at home and help your child be successful at school.
Control Your Voice Practice using this system at home with your child.
Control Your Body Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Do Your Work Where ever you are in the building do the activity you have been asked to complete.