Beowulf Review Period 6
Grendel Attacks the Danes Brianna Henein Joseph Esteves Jesse Faure Victor Gomes Eli Gonzalez
Describe Herot Herot was Hrothgar’s kingdom. It was the place where Grendel came up and snatched and killed Hrothgar’s men. Herot is also the place that Beowulf saved Herot from Grendel.
What is the significance of Grendel being descended from Cain? The significance of Grendel being descended from Cain is that he is some of the leftover sin of Abel’s murder and being created by a sin against God he continues to do that by murdering God’s people. What is the significance of Grendel being descended from Cain?
What had Herot symbolized before the coming of Grendel? After? Before the coming of Grendel, Herot symbolized a peaceful and happy place, as described : “As now warrior sang of their pleasure: So Hrothgar’s mom lived happy in his hall” (Line 4 and 5) After the coming of Grendel this place became a joyless kingdom, as described: “So mankind’s enemy continued his crimes, killing as often as he could.” (Line 79 and 80)
The Coming of Beowulf Austin Jenkins Kai Enciso Spencer Blagg Claire Elder AJ Angel
4. Why is Hrothgar’s watchmen concerned about the arrival of Beowulf and his men? Hrothgar’s watchman are concerned because they think that Beowulf and his men are trying to invade Denmark. 5. How does the lieutenant recognize Beowulf as a hero? Beowulf is sacrificing his life for the people of Denmark even though those are not his people.
6. What do Beowulf’s words and actions tell you about his personality? Beowulf’s personality trait, pride, is shown when he is explaining all of his achievements to Hrothgar’s watchman when they arrived in Denmark. 7. What are Beowulf’s thoughts as he waits for Grendel’s arrival? What does it reveal about the beliefs of Anglo-Saxon society? Beowulf’s only thought is to kill Grendel after what he had done to the Danes. Beowulf’s thoughts reveal that the Anglo-Saxon society was a group of people who were known to be very imaginative and followers of Christianity.
The Battle With Grendel
The Battle With Grendel 8.) The foreshadowing in lines 269-305 was “Grendel snacthed at the first Geat he came to, rip him apart, cut his body to; bits with powerful jaws.” 9.) An example of personification in line 289 is “And his heart laughed,” 10.) Beowulf waits for Grendel to attack the other soldier allowing himself to see how strong his claws were using the soldier as a distraction. 11.) Grendel raised his claw to attack but Beowulf put him in an armlock stronger than Beowulf ever felt before. Then they stumbled through the hall. Beowulf drives Grendel under the den. His armlock killed Grendel.
The Battle With Grendel 12.) The warriors don’t come to Beowulf’s aid because they are full of fear and terror. 13.) He cuts off Grendel’s shoulder and then he cuts off his hand and he has bruises on his other arm. 14.) In the battle Grendel shows the readers of his fears. This shows the readers that Grendel has human qualities. This makes the reader feel sympathy for Grendel.
By: Kerry, Amanda, Michelle, and Valeria The Battle with Grendel’s Mother By: Kerry, Amanda, Michelle, and Valeria
15. Describe the battle between Beowulf and Grendel’s mother. The battle between Beowulf and Grendel’s mother took place at the bottom of the marsh. Grendel’s mother was upset that Beowulf killed her son and Beowulf took it upon himself to kill Grendel’s mother.
16. Identify an example of personification in lines 435 - 455 and explain why it is fitting. The example of personification is, “ The iron sang its fierce song” (line 448). This is an example of personification because the iron can not sing.
17. How does Beowulf defeat her 17. How does Beowulf defeat her? This is an example of what literary device? Beowulf defeats Grendel’s mother by using the magic sword to cut her head off. This is an example of irony because, Grendel’s mother was determined to kill Beowulf but failed.
18. What does Beowulf do before he swims back to land 18. What does Beowulf do before he swims back to land? What do Hrothgar and the other warriors think has happened? Before he swam back to land, Beowulf took the sword and chopped Grendel’s head off. Hrothgar and his men believe that Beowulf has died while battling Grendel’s mother.
19. Identify an allusion in lines 500 - 535. Lines 500-535 alludes to the myth of Hercules. In the myth of Hercules, he killed many beasts and enemies of his own, similar to Beowulf. However, both Beowulf and Hercules are humble, helping others, even though they were different because of their strength.
20. What does Beowulf leave behind in the lake and what does he take with him? What does this reveal about his character? Beowulf takes Grendel’s head and the hilt of the sword with him, while leaving behind the rich treasure’s of the monsters. This reveals that Beowulf is humble and wants to be recognized as an ordinary human, not as an extravagant warrior.