28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC1 Straw machine status straw welding machine QC by microscope control by computer straw welding speed optimization: set of samples conclusion DB, Dubna assembly hall, ordering aluminum blanks for modules Presented by S.Movchan
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC2 Ultrasonic welding machine: common view
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC3 New shape of straw welding fixture
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC4 Straw transportation New mechanics New motor + reductor
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC5 Straw transportation: shuttle 2+2 new wheels on the shuttle
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC6 Seam shape on-line QC by microscope set up weld seam shape
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC7 Ultrasonic generator control by computer
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC8 T and Humidity control by computer
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC9 Clean room: start up in preparation Condition Ventilation Air filters (8 pc)
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC10 Straw welding speed optimization: set of samples
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC11 Hostaphan PET: conditions of straw manufacture (14 May 2010) clean room: T=+23 degree, H=75% straw welding machine parameters: ultrasonic generator: clock F=38.5 MHz, P= 45 % (PET) or 40% (PET+Cu+Au) head temperature: 30 degree (due to short head operation time) ultrasonic head pressure to tape: 300 g spool pretension: 185 g (instead 30 g) tape friction: (425+/-25) g (instead (200+/-10) g) speed of straw transport mechanics: mm/sec NO - flush of welding zone by ionization gun seam quality check by “on-line” microscope: operator on monitor + file (simultaneously with seam welding) for each straw cut 2 samples (start and end) and to do seam test by hand (like tensile machine, across and along seam) NO - measurement seam width by optic microscope (requirement: W=( ) mm) NO - straw internal diameter check by gouge NO - straw round shape check by eyes
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC12 Samples for straw welding speed optimization Straw # Speed (mm/sec) Sonic head pressure (g) Sonic generator power (%) On-line file Comments yes PET yes Cu+Au yes Cu+Au -> PET no PET yes PET -> Cu+Au yes Cu+Au >45yes PET yes PET Samples are delivered to CERN
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC13 Straw machine: conclusion Ready: Straw transportation mechanics: - forward speed – (4-22) mm/sec - reverse speed – 22 mm/sec Room T and H control – ready Ultrasonic generator control – ready In progress: On-line QC by microscope Clean room start up In fabrication: Tape pretension mechanics Tape to round shape transfer: set of fixtures Light source for on-line microscope Preparation: Set up for serial straw test at dP=3 bar Straw bar code printing Design: Tencile machine Set of “nipples” for straw long term storage Set up for straw filling by gas: dP=1.2 bar Storage box for serial straws Straw boxes depository inside the clean room Checker pressure inside filling straw during it storage Problem: Electrostatic charge of tape – due to this effect straw transportation speed is non stable. Shuttle speed is constant. => Straw – elastic body.
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC14 Conclusion DB: Test DB – in progress Modules assembly hall (bld.217): - Machine for precision coordinate measurement of module reference holes – switch ON - Table software design – responsible person is G.Mescheriiakov - Design module rotation table – in progress - Table for module vacuum test - responsible person is T.Enik Aluminum blanks for straw modules: V.Bogdanov at SAMARA this week: - OAO “ALKOA” - quotation, delivery time, invoice, …. - Blanks transportation to OAO “PROGRESS” for machining – look for transportation company - OAO “PROGRESS”: flanges and bars machining possibility - discussion
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC15 Spare
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC16 Straw labeling Size: Option 1: 10x40 mm Option 2: 5x20 mm Code: CERN: 333 (France) Straw country: 07 (Russia) NA62: 062 Straw tracker: ST Straw #: ST9999
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC17 Straw labeling: label glue to straw
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC18 Read data to DB
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC19 Straw labeling: conclusion Straw labeling procedure is proposed: - label code ST9999 (14 digits) - label size – 5x20 mm - print labels by “label printer” - 2 the same labels will be glued on both straw ends (for robustness) - before straw gluing into module straw label will be read out and cut out - straw # (label) will be replaced by hole # in the “Module holes numbering DB” Label reader and DB (based on Excel table) exist at Dubna
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC20 Hostaphan PET: conditions of straw manufacturing (29 January 2010) room #108: T=+10 degree, H=40% straw welding machine parameters: ultrasonic generator: clock F=38.5 MHz, P= 30% and (50-60)% head temperature: 28 degree and (24->21) degree (sample production) ultrasonic head pressure to tape: 135 g spool pretension: 30 g tape friction: (200+/-10) g speed of straw transport mechanics: about 12 mm/sec flush of welding zone by ionization gun - NO manual check seam quality by microscope with video chamber (simultaneously with seam welding) for each straw cut 2 samples (start and end) and to do seam test by hand (like tensile machine, across and along seam) measurement seam width by optic microscope (requirement: W=( ) mm) straw internal diameter check by gouge straw round shape check by eyes
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC21 Excell 532 PET: conditions of straw manufacturing (9 March 2010) clean room: T=+25 degree, H=65% straw welding machine parameters: ultrasonic generator: clock F=38.5 MHz, P= 50 % head temperature: 36 degree ultrasonic head pressure to Cu/Au tape: 70 g spool pretension: 30 g tape friction: (200+/-10) g speed of straw transport mechanics: about 10 mm/sec flush of welding zone by ionization gun - NO manual check seam quality by microscope with video chamber (simultaneously with welding) for each straw cut 2 samples (start and end) and to do seam test by hand (like tensile machine, across and along seam) measurement seam width by optic microscope (requirement: W=( ) mm) straw internal diameter check by gouge straw round shape check by eyes
28-Feb-16S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC22