DYNAMIC MEDIA Abdullah Kabesh, Mohamad Abdullah, Nour Seif El Nasr, Lynn Abouchacra
What is Dynamic Media? Broad topic- can mean different things to different people Agreed upon elements: 1. Sound 2. Voice 3. Animation 4. Video (interactive) 5. Simulation
Static Media VS Dynamic Media V.S
The Wave of Dynamic Media People create and determine the type of media they want to use Observer’s and user’s behavioral change, which lead to the making of Dynamic Media. THIS MEANS TWO THINGS: 1. Static media deteriorating. 2. The people’s needs change thus shaping the social context that created Dynamic Media. Dynamic media is a balance between the technical characteristics sound, animation, voice etc. and the social characteristics that were made to fit the needs of the computer/web user’s of today’s society
The Six Elements of Dynamic Media 1. REMIXABLE Can be combined in many different ways, by taking bits and pieces of already owned material Can be combined in many different ways, by taking bits and pieces of already owned material and making the user’s own end result Incorporates the user’s mind and creativity Remix culture A society that allows and encourages derivative work (work that comes from other material or is derived from something else). EXAMPLE: Picnik.com
SHAREABLE: 2. SHAREABLE: Media is not tied to a particular website Easily distributed through the web by blogs, , links, embedded share icons (to facebook, twitter, myspace etc.), or even through RSS feeds. EXAMPLE: Sharing your Picnik product via /facebook/twitter. SOCIAL: 3. SOCIAL: Dynamic Media is an important way of communicating and sharing ideas. The Six Elements of Dynamic Media 1.(Nick Baines’s Blog) 2.(St. Olaf College, Human Resources )
INTERACTIVE: 4. INTERACTIVE: Allows users to change and control the media…. users to connect and feel closer to the information shared MULTILAYERED: 5. MULTILAYERED: Media uses different medias together such as video, animations, audio, data, graphs etc. MOBILE: 6. MOBILE: Transferred from a mobile device to a computer to a television screen etc., which is what creates the dynamic nature of such a media. The Six Elements of Dynamic Media
BENEFITS 1. The Classroom Setting: For the Teacher: Visually show students simulations (visual learners) E.g. Effectively represent how the blood flows in the human body Students can explore the topic on their own, through interactive activities on learning websites. EXAMPLE : GOOGLE EARTH For the Student: Engagement and Participation = A better learning experience. Engagement of the Senses= A better learning experience (IT Solutions Blog, 5 Reasons Technology in the Classroom Engages Students)
2. A Wider Reachable Audience Ability to post a comment, share an opinion or have control of the media that one is using (as usually Dynamic Media changes based on the users’ needs) Make it a lot more relevant and effective to fit the user. A step further: Now the user can influence or even create his own media. 3. Dynamic Media Used in Advertisement Only receiving information (traditional advertisements where the viewer is only a tool) vs. more interactive and user input methods. EXAMPLE: Nike’s websiteBENEFITS
Dynamic Media Challenges Takes up a lot of RAM space especially if the website has many users. This forces website owners to expand their servers and storage space Needs a lot of employees to keep up with fixing bugs or glitches in the website Servers will face errors if they aren’t good enough to handle thousands or even millions of users
Future Development “There are more than 10,000 hours of digital video being uploaded to You Tube alone, which includes videos that were created and edited using Dynamic Media programs” ( Dynamic Media”. Learning and Leading with Technology) YouTube is considered to be a Dynamic Media website as it allows users to interactively create their own video remixes using multilayered elements and then sharing them with other users. The use of Dynamic Media will increase as a result of continued use and interest generated by social media.
BIBLIOGRAPHY "Steve Kilisky's Dynamic Media Blog." : What Is Dynamic Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept “Dynamic Media”. Learning and Leading with Technology. February "IT Solutions Blog." 5 Reasons Technology in the Classroom Engages Students. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept "Nick Baines's Blog." Nick Baines's Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept "Workshop on Dynamic Media | Deccan Chronicle." Deccan Chronicle. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept "The Newspaper Clipping Generator." The Newspaper Clipping Image Generator. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept " Client Expert." Turn OFF/ON Notification Sound: Live Mail ~. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept "Animation." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Sept Web. 18 Sept "Christina D Freeman, Simulation and Digital Entertainment." Christina D Freeman, Simulation and Digital Entertainment. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept