Jeremy Foster | Developer Evangelist Rachel Appel | Independent Consultant
Course Topics Introduction to jQuery 01 | jQuery | Effects 02 | Selection06 | Ajax and Async 03 | Manipulating the DOM07 | Libraries 04 | Events
05 | Effects Jeremy Foster Rachel Appel
Basic Effects Fading Sliding Custom Effects Module Overview
Basic Effects
Basic Effecs.hide().show().toggle() If it’s showing, hide it. If it’s hiding, show it.
Fading adjusts the opacity of the selected element.fadeIn().fadeOut().fadeTo() Set the opacity to a set value.fadeToggle() If it’s showing, fade it out. If it’s hidden, fade it in.
.slideUp() Hides an element using a sliding motion.slideDown() Shows an element using a sliding motion.slideToggle() If it’s showing, then hide it. If it’s hiding, then show it.
Custom Effects
.animate() Perform a custom animation of a set of CSS properties.queue(),.dequeue(), and.clearQueue() Control the queue of functions to be executed on the matched elements.delay() Set a timer to delay execution of subsequent items in the queue.stop() Stop the animation.finish() Stop the animation and clear queue
Basic Effects Fading Sliding Custom Effects Summary
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