Technology Benchmarks for 4 th grade that will be covered in this Lesson: Log onto district computers using individual student logins Review saving, deleting files, creating and organizing folders Use the computer as an authoring tool to demonstrate various formats, including: font sizes, fonts, style alignments, tabs, and graphics Create non-linear presentations Use communication tools to collaborate on projects Locate, organize, evaluate, analyze, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources (graphics, audio, and online databases) and media.
Additional Standards Covered: Language Arts W.4.8 Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources, take notes, paraphrase, and categorize information, and provide a list of sources. SL.4.4 Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant descriptive details to support main ideas or themes. SL.4.5 Add audio or video recordings and visual displays to presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.
Additional Standards Covered Social Studies Standard 4-3 The student will demonstrate an understanding of conflict between the American colonies and England. Or Science Standard 4-1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiries, including the processes, skills, mathematical thinking necessary to conduct a simple scientific investigation.
I Do, We Do, You Do First, watch how I do it!
I Do: The Basics of Creating a PowerPoint The first thing you will need to do: open a new PowerPoint by locating the program on the main menu.
I Do: Home Tab Next, familiarize yourself with each tab across the top of the screen. This is the HOME tab. This tab allows you to pick your fonts and to manipulate the slides.
I Do: Insert Tab The INSERT tab allows you to add text boxes, pictures, shapes, sound clips, etc.
I Do: Design Tab The DESIGN tab gives you background options. You can design your own or choose some that have already been designed for you.
I Do: Animations Tab The ANIMATIONS tab allows you to animate your slides and to add sound when you move from one slide to the next.
I Do: Custom Animation If you click on CUSTOM ANIMATION, you can add animation to text or images.
I Do: Custom Animation I have chosen my title to “Fly in” and my image to appear with a “Checkerboard” effect.
Step 2 cont: Tab Exploration At any time, you can preview your slideshow from the beginning or the current slide using the SLIDE SHOW tab.
I Do: Set Up Slide Show The SLIDESHOW tab will also allow you to add narration. In that tab, click on SET UP SLIDE SHOW, make your choices in the pop-up menu, and click OK.
I Do: Record Narration The RECORD NARRATION button will allow you to begin recording. You will want to wait to record narration after your slide show is complete.
Go ahead & log in on your computer.
We Do
We Do: Design Background
We Do: Add Image & Title
We Do: Add Animation
We Do: Add a Page
We Do: Add Narration
We Do: Preview
You Do: Explore