1 Updating the Charging Regulations to Take Account of the Change from Income Support to Universal Credit NAFAO AGM
2 Overview Why are we talking about updating the charging framework?What do we hope to achieve?Principles of chargingTimetableStakeholder engagementQuestions for table discussion – 40 minsFeedback to the Group – 10 mins Updating the Social Care Charging Framework – NAFAO AGM 2015
3 Why are we talking about updating the charging framework? The charging framework currently cross-refers to benefits legislation. It therefore must take account of changes to that legislation, e.g. resulting from the Universal Credit roll out being completed. We need to consider options for the charging rules, including options for developing a standalone charging framework independent of benefits legislation. Updating the Social Care Charging Framework – NAFAO AGM 2015
4 What do we hope to achieve? A set of regulations that works better Greater consistency of charging across settings Greater application of the principles of charging Updating the Social Care Charging Framework – NAFAO AGM 2015
5 Principles of Charging Updating the Social Care Charging Framework – NAFAO AGM 2015 Ensure that people are not charged more than it is reasonably practicable for them to pay; Be comprehensive, to reduce variation in the way people are assessed and charged; Be clear and transparent, so people know what they will be charged; Promote wellbeing, social inclusion, and support the vision of personalisation, independence, choice and control; Support carers to look after their own health and wellbeing and to care effectively and safely; Be person-focused, reflecting the variety of care and caring journeys and the variety of options available to meet their needs; Apply the charging rules equally so those with similar needs or services are treated the same and minimise anomalies between different care settings; Encourage and enable those who wish to stay in or take up employment, education or training or plan for the future costs of meeting their needs to do so; Be sustainable for local authorities in the long-term.
6 Timetable November 2015: Launch pre- engagement at NAFAO conference Work with stakeholders to identify issues and establish the scope of the work Late 2016: Launch consultation on draft regulations and guidance Summer 2017: Publish consultation response By October 2017 at the latest: Publish final regulations and guidance April 2018: New charging rules come into effect Updating the Social Care Charging Framework – NAFAO AGM 2015
7 Stakeholder Engagement Continuing the partnership approach taken for the Care Act Starting today! Updating the Social Care Charging Framework – NAFAO AGM 2015 LAs Systems Suppliers Care Providers Care Users Voluntary Sector
8 Questions for Table Discussion – 40 mins Updating the Social Care Charging Framework – NAFAO AGM 2015 What does and doesn’t work about the charging framework, in particular the regulations? Where would you like the framework to be more/less prescriptive? Where the framework allows for local discretion how do you use this? What changes could be considered to further align the charging framework across care homes and all other settings? What amendments could be made to the framework to pave the way for the introduction of the cap on care costs in 2020?
9 Principles of Charging Updating the Social Care Charging Framework – NAFAO AGM 2015 Ensure that people are not charged more than it is reasonably practicable for them to pay; Be comprehensive, to reduce variation in the way people are assessed and charged; Be clear and transparent, so people know what they will be charged; Promote wellbeing, social inclusion, and support the vision of personalisation, independence, choice and control; Support carers to look after their own health and wellbeing and to care effectively and safely; Be person-focused, reflecting the variety of care and caring journeys and the variety of options available to meet their needs; Apply the charging rules equally so those with similar needs or services are treated the same and minimise anomalies between different care settings; Encourage and enable those who wish to stay in or take up employment, education or training or plan for the future costs of meeting their needs to do so; Be sustainable for local authorities in the long-term.