Air farce was first called “the jest society” as a pun towards the prime minister at the time, Pierre Trudeau and his goal to make Canada a “just society”. They started as an improvisational theatre revue in 1970 and then changed their name to “Royal Canadian Air Farce” in 1973 and would start broadcasting through CBC Radio on December 9 th, The writers adapted some of their sketches and new material for TV. These sketches would be put the first two episodes a series called krazy house. In 1992, they aired their new years special, 1992: year of the farce and this would lead them to produce a weekly TV series, making their move to television permanent. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY
GROUP PARTICIPANTS INCLUDE : Original cast: John Morgan Martin Bronstein Roger abbott Don ferguson Luba goy Dave broadfoot
Later additions: Jessica holmes Craig lauzon Alan park Penelope corrin Arnold pinnock Darryl hinds Aisha alfa emma GROUP PARTICIPANTS INCLUDE:
Q1: What types of comedy or humour does this person or group tend to focus on? Satirical jokes and mockery. They do some impressions on certain people, groups and make skits on certain subjects like politics. Q2: What are common themes this person or group dwell on? They make jokes on politics and things that include Canada. Q3:To what extent is the humour presented appropriate? For what ages? Does this person or group ever ‘cross the line’? Provide examples. Some of their skits have inappropriate jokes for example, they have made a skit that goes over the us/Canadian border and it contains some inappropriate Example- jokes. MORE ABOUT ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FARCE
Q4: What makes the humour or comedy uniquely Canadian? In other words, what identifiable Canadian stereotypes are presented and portrayed? Their “I am Canadian “skits go over those pretty well, I think. MORE ABOUT ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FARCE